英国华人论坛 卢顿邀请全世界为其撰写小诗


University of Bedfordshire(贝德福德大学)

University of Bedfordshire(贝德福德大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料Poems already received from as far away as Australia

Poems already received from as far away as Australia

Budding Betjemans, Blakes, Burns, Brownings and Byrons, would-be Wordsworths Wildes, aspiring Shakespeares, Shelleys and Swifts - prospective poets throughout the world have been invited to pen an ode to the Bedfordshire town of Luton, with the chance of it being published in a planned anthology of verse at Christmas.

And Luton has already received poems from Australia and the USA, penned by ex pats with a hankering for their old home town.

Some of the first poems to arrive are already on show at the town’s Love Luton website – www.loveluton.com.

The invitation came from the town’s promotional consortium, Luton First, which has already successfully completed a similar project with new novelists. Ten short stories by previously unpublished authors were chosen for inclusion in their ‘Junction 10’ paperback, published in 2005 by Antony Rowe Publishing.

Now they plan to publish the very best of the best poems at the end of the year in a paperback compendium entitled ‘Love Luton’.

“This is an open invitation to poets of all ages, from all over the world, to visit Luton, absorb some of the unique spirit of the town, which speaks more than 120 languages, and put pen to paper with a poem,” says Patricia Murchie, chairwoman of the Luton First consortium which is supported by The University of Bedfordshire, London Luton Airport, The Mall [Arndale] shopping centre, Whitbread, Vauxhall Motors and other organisations, including Luton Borough Council.

Luton can already point to a string of successful writers who have lived in the town, including David Renwick, who wrote ‘One Foot in the Grave’ and Arthur Hailey, author of ‘Hotel’ and ‘Airport’. John Bunyan, the 17th century author of ‘Pilgrims Progress’, was born just outside the town.


“But we are also proud to include poet John Hegley in a list of literary Lutonians,” says Patricia. “John moved to Luton as a boy and, while he now lives in London, regularly visits us as a Luton Town FC supporter.”

John Hegley, who received an Honorary Arts Doctorate from the University in 2000, will be keeping an interested eye on the project. “I have had many formative experiences in Luton,” he says. “A budding poet will find inspiration there; it is all in the looking and I have found it conducive to contemplation.”

In his poem ‘Luton Remembered’ John Hegley wrote:

Your earth, I’ve found, is fertile,

When I was asked to help encourage poetry production,

Brought in as a manure,

I left your chalky Chiltern children

Knowing they were naturals

And poetry’s secure, here.

John Hegley’s latest volume of work, ‘Uncut Confetti’, features a strong autobiographical strand with some poignant reflections on his father, who would have been 100 in the year of publication.

The University of Bedfordshire, which offers a popular degree course in creative writing, will oversee the selection process throughout the project.

Entrants, who should make only one submission to www.loveluton.com, may be invited to present further work in due course. There will be no charges for the publication of their work. Proceeds from the sale of the ‘Love Luton’ paperback anthology will be donated to charity, in line with the policy of sales for the ‘Junction 10’ book of short stories.


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