英国华人论坛 中风病研究募得100万英镑


University of Central Lancashire(中央兰开夏大学)

University of Central Lancashire(中央兰开夏大学)


一键免费快速申请文章正文综述详细专业照片新闻校友录已获Offer学生资料The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) today announced a one million pound grant awarded by the Department of Health to research new ways of training the emergency services to recognise the early signs of stroke. The project, known as Emergency Stroke Calls: Obtaining Rapid Telephone Triage (ESCORTT) will result in enhanced recognition of the condition by ambulance dispatchers in the emergency services.

The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) today announced a one million pound grant awarded by the Department of Health to research new ways of training the emergency services to recognise the early signs of stroke. The project, known as Emergency Stroke Calls: Obtaining Rapid Telephone Triage (ESCORTT) will result in enhanced recognition of the condition by ambulance dispatchers in the emergency services.

In the UK, stroke is the third biggest cause of death and the largest single cause of severe disability. ESCORTT aims to develop a checklist and a training package for frontline staff to assist in the identification of patients with suspected strokes so that an emergency blue light ambulance can be sent. In the long term, ESCORTT has the potential to save lives through aiding early diagnosis and treatment and in turn, saving the NHS money. More than 140,000 people per annum suffer a stroke and this costs the NHS over £2.8 billion in aftercare. Rapid access to specialist care can reduce mortality rates, levels of dependency and care needed in the long term for stroke survivors.

This research headed by Professor Caroline Watkins at UCLan is a collaborative project between UCLan, Newcastle and Coventry University, with the Emergency Services, NHS Direct and Acute Hospitals across Lancashire, and is the first of its kind within the UK. Unlike European and American health care systems, dispatchers in the UK have no specialist medical training. The research team, including Dr Michael Leathley and Stephanie Jones, has already been providing web-based training to the ambulance service through a related project: RESPONSE.

Professor Caroline Watkins at UCLan has commented “We are really pleased to have been awarded this funding. Studies have shown that dispatchers may fail to identify a significant percentage of stroke patients. The grant will allow us to help the emergency services draw out the signs of stroke from callers, ensure an emergency response and improve the care given at the early stages – before the patient is treated in stroke specialist services in hospital. Both patient and emergency service personnel will benefit; this research will mean that time, and so brain, is not lost and money is saved whilst maintaining the excellent levels of care we expect from the NHS.”

Professor Tom Quinn from Coventry University's Applied Research Group in Pre-hospital, Emergency and Cardiovascular Care and a co-applicant for the grant, said:

“I am delighted that, under Professor Watkin’s leadership, the team has been awarded this funding, and we are about to embark on a significant piece of research that will provide valuable insights into how best to speed up emergency care for stroke patients.”

The grant is a prestigious award in which NHS managers, researchers and clinicians from the NHS and academia work together to deliver research and recommendations which can be applied in practice for the benefit of patients. The funding is part of the Department of Health’s £45m investment into 29 substantial research programmes for the National Institute for Health Research.


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