
(2006.12.04)(20:53:58)*kingston says to *kingston: Kingston testing if on line for live chat
(2006.12.04)(20:54:40)*popking says to *kingston: Hi! I am wondering whether you have any courses in Counselling or consultation?
(2006.12.04)(20:55:36)*kingston says to *kingston: Counselling, sorry not here, tey the general BC educationUK website
(2006.12.04)(20:57:20)*kingston says to *kingston: Kingston University, Art, Design &Architecture is now live for chat with enquirers, for undergraduate a(BA) and postgraduate (MA) couerses as well as short courses and MPhil and PhD
(2006.12.04)(21:00:31)*kingston says to viola: hello viola. are you sucessfully logged on for live chat?
(2006.12.04)(21:00:37)viola says to *kingston: i would like to ask some info for ma drawing
(2006.12.04)(21:01:41)*kingston says to viola: we have MA Drawing as Process which is open to applicants form all disciplines for people who use drawing as part of their way of working, maybe in faine arts, in architecture, ilustration, design etc. It is a one year ( 12months non stop!) course.
(2006.12.04)(21:04:12)*kingston says to *qyfs15: which courses are you interested in and at which level? Ifit is MA then they are 12 months
(2006.12.04)(21:09:37)*kingston says to ALL: kingston is up and running on line for live chat for enquiries about art design and architecture, BA, MA short courses and research degrees such as MPhil and PhD, as well as sumer schools.
(2006.12.04)(21:09:59)*qyfs15 says to *kingston: i am interrstd in courses in finance or management
(2006.12.04)(21:12:18)*kingston says to *qyfs15: we have a famous business school, rated as one of the top 5in Uk, please see their web site via the main university web site, www.kingston.ac.uk/business, Also email to [email protected], who will help you directly. There are most definately courses in Finance and Management at all levels
(2006.12.04)(21:13:40)*qyfs15 says to *kingston: what is the requirement about ielts?
(2006.12.04)(21:17:13)*kingston says to *qyfs15: ielts depend son which level is it ba or ma?
(2006.12.04)(21:17:58)*kingston says to ALL: any one interested in finding out about art design and architecture subjects, at all levels?
(2006.12.04)(21:18:37)*wangjie8578 says to *kingston: sorry!i'm not interested in art!
(2006.12.04)(21:19:16)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: if i only want to attend a short course for design, is that possible?
(2006.12.04)(21:19:17)*qyfs15 says to *kingston: ma
(2006.12.04)(21:20:17)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: but i am afraid it is difficult to get the visa
(2006.12.04)(21:20:18)*kingston says to *qyfs15: the level is high at kingston and for ug ( BA) it must be 6.oo minimum with some English Presessional lessons before hand, these you can see on www.kingston.ac.uk/presessional.
(2006.12.04)(21:21:09)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: any requirement for the short course?
(2006.12.04)(21:21:59)*kingston says to *mirrorzhao: it is not difficult to get a visa if you fill out the forms carefuly and have all the required information, as well as the correct offer letter from the university, we have a depatment at the university which helps stundets apply for visas and the BC are very helpful too
(2006.12.04)(21:22:36)*kingston says to *mirrorzhao: it depends on which short course, i am a specialist in art design and architecture
(2006.12.04)(21:23:04)*popking says to *kingston: Hi! I have checked on the website that you have a joint program with Chevening scholarship!
(2006.12.04)(21:23:44)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: any information i can get from your website?
(2006.12.04)(21:24:17)*popking says to *kingston: Is it the same Chevening? If I want to apply, I should apply to British Embassy or to your school?
(2006.12.04)(21:24:52)*kingston says to *mirrorzhao: it is important for the visa that you can show your bank details for at the very least 6 months and infact as long as possible, to prove that you have financial support which will enable you to afford to live and pay all your fees etc.It is sensible to plan this in advance so that you have healthy bank statements for the visa office.
(2006.12.04)(21:26:26)*kingston2 enter this room.
(2006.12.04)(21:26:41)*kingston says to *popking: we have quite a few Chevening Scholars at Kingston, they usually have the scholarship form Embassy and then apply with the scholarship already in place.If you are interested I can put you in touch with some of them. The Provice chancellor had apartyf ro them on a river boat on the thames at kingston this year.
(2006.12.04)(21:27:08)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: thank you very much for your information i think it is so helpful for me
(2006.12.04)(21:27:09)*kingston says to *mirrorzhao: which subjects?
(2006.12.04)(21:27:34)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: actually i want to study Finance
(2006.12.04)(21:28:31)*kingston says to *ustblq: we have a bronze casting short course here for onw eek at Christmas, would you like deails to be sebt? if so please sned me your email address,also the fine art course here ahs metal facilites including a forge etc.
(2006.12.04)(21:29:03)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: but if you can give me some information about design it is also helpful because i have got a friend is very interested in it, but she is only 16
(2006.12.04)(21:29:49)*kingston says to *mirrorzhao: then as mentioned please email to john foster, or if you give me your email i wil pass it to him for you,
(2006.12.04)(21:30:00)*popking says to *kingston: This year's program is closed. I just wonder whether you have any courses in Counselling?
(2006.12.04)(21:30:52)*popking says to *kingston: And about Chevening, do they have a limitation for the highest degree level? because I have already got a master degree
(2006.12.04)(21:31:32)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: [email protected]
(2006.12.04)(21:31:43)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: thank you very much
(2006.12.04)(21:35:47)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: 他要我就给罗
(2006.12.04)(21:35:59)*kingston says to *popking: as I am sure you know the level for Chevening is high, but it is available for those wanting to go higher!
(2006.12.04)(21:36:49)*kingston says to *mirrorzhao: we think you are from the south of china, is that a good guess?
(2006.12.04)(21:38:06)*popking says to *kingston: thanks. Then I may consider to apply the scholarship next year.
(2006.12.04)(21:38:39)*mirrorzhao says to *kingston: yes, from Shenzhen
(2006.12.04)(21:38:53)*kingston says to ALL: if you want to get in touch with kingston before our next session ( 4.30 pm Chinese time ) please email us at [email protected].
(2006.12.04)(21:41:06)*kingston says to ALL: your enquiry is about Art Design & Archiecture subjects contact Leo Duff on [email protected], or [email protected], who is a Chinese student here on MA Illustration and Animation and who also has an MA in Drawing as Process from Kingston University
(2006.12.04)(21:41:45)*kingston says to *mirrorzhao: I have been to Shenzen two times! good luck and hope you hear from John Foster soon.