英国华人论坛 伦敦“全球青年峰会”候选人招募


Global Youth Summit, London, January 2007

The British Council is bringing together more than 50 young people in London from around the globe to discuss key issues of global significance in the run up to the Annual World Economic Forum meeting in DAVOS.This is an opportunity for two outstanding young Chinese to contribute to a global debate.

For more information about key DAVOS themes please visit the World Economic Forum’s website at http://www.weforum.org/en/events/index.htm

The event is expected to take place in the week beginning 14 January 2007. Successful candidates will have much to share with their families as they return for the Chinese New Year in February 2007. All costs will be covered by the British Council.

Please could you return your initial expression of interest by the 13 October 2006. In the first instance we would need your application to be accompanied by

a) IELTS certificate with a minimum overall score of 7.5 and speaking capability of 8.0
b) A one page (A4) document as to why you think you would make an excellent contribution to the summit.
c) A copy of your ID clearly showing your Date of Birth (Note age range 20-25)
d) Two references from people we would be able to contact for the purpose of verification

The Guidelines below are a full list of the selection criteria.

Candidates should
Be aged 20 - 25 Show evidence of very strong leadership capability (potential WEF Young Global Leaders’ Forum candidates) Have an outgoing personality, be confident and assertive Be ready to contribute and network, and have experience of debate and discussion on serious issues Be ready to continue to engage with the British Council after the event Have good communication skills IELTS level 7.5 with speaking capability of 8.0 Display evidence/experience of public work/leadership activity whilst at school or in HE - though potentially in an extra-curricular field Be prepared to voice informed opinion Have good analytical skills Not necessarily be in full-time education, but should have views on it. If they are in HE, they are likely to be final year undergraduate or first year postgraduate Show a broad understanding/experience of education, primarily at HE but also in the school sector: international awareness/experience would be useful

Please forward your application to:

Terence Luk
Education E-Marketing Manager
Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate General
1001 Main Tower Guangdong International Hotel
339 Huanshi Donglu 510098 Guangzhou China
[email protected]


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