11月9号,国家版权局公布了卡拉OK包厢费每天收取12元的标准,不想,立即遭致卡拉OK业主和部分网民的反对。请看《中国日报》相关报道:KTV operators have come out in opposition to the royalties imposed by the National Copyright Administration (NCA) earlier this month.
On November 9, the NCA set a daily royalty of 12 yuan (US$1.5) per KTV room in an effort to improve copyright protection. The fee is in effect in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou on a trial basis and is to be gradually implemented in other cities.
The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book. (每卖一本书,作者可得10%的版税。作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。)
Fame and royalties descended upon him.(荣誉和版税一齐向他涌来。)