
原文网址: http://spaces.msn.com/members/houwenxuan/blog/cns!1pDqHDQ3v7yPtRKiN3pdp2UA!2033.entry
去年介绍过RAE,是针对BUSINESS, ACCOUTING AND FINANCE的 RAE 介绍,有些人“不冷静”(这儿是借一下张Y同学的形容词,刚才才和他吃了啤酒鸡和酸菜鱼,味道好极了),攻击说我凭什么给某些学校5* 6*,这些同学们是高看我了,我还不是RAE PANEL,给谁几星我说了不算。是这些 panel 里的 professors 评价了各个大学相关科系的老师们提交的论文以后评的级。和各种报纸上记者们的打分相比,多少还是能体现出教授的意旨来。新的panel for RAE 2008已经筹建好了,这次是对上次RAE2001之后,7年内各个科系发展的评估,应该有好戏可看。下一次的RAE评分2008年底才能出来。
以前写的文章,两篇,一篇是介绍RAE,一篇是介绍MBA in UK。这次介绍一下学校整体的状况。学校的整体虽然能说明一些问题,但如果和科系实力分开来看,也就失去意义。前几天我一个朋友LU拿到ASTON MARKETING的OFFER,说国内的朋友支招,说ASTON差。这个好和差不好判断,因为不知道那人是拿ASTON和哪儿比,要是和KELLOGG之流比,那确实是够差的。但在英国的商学院里头,ASTON的MARKETING就是AMONG THE TOP了。虽然ASTON学校并没有特别有名。这个例子就是说在择校的时候不能只看学校,尤其是对研究生来说。
这篇文章还和上次一样,没有加入什么我个人的意旨,都是事实的称述。但如果非要问我个人的意见,我不说什么好和差,这都是相对的,动不动就拿美国的牛校来说事儿没意义,有意义的是直接去读美国的牛校。如果去不了,那就看看英国大学的介绍吧。所以我的意见是,英国RUSEEL GROUP的学校,还是很值得读的。虽然这些学校里学生不是说随便拎出来一个就是牲口,但找个牛人不算难。
原文网址: http://spaces.msn.com/members/houwenxuan/blog/cns!1pDqHDQ3v7yPtRKiN3pdp2UA!2033.trak
那就先来介绍一下Russell Group。这个联盟是英国19所名校组成的协会。这个联盟占据了英国60%的英国研究经费和收入,55%的博士授予,35%的欧盟外留学生。78%被评为RAE 5*的老师和57%被评为RAE 5 的老师在罗素联盟内。THE RUSSELL GROUP is an association of 19 major research-intensive universities of the United Kingdom. Formed in 1994 at a meeting convened in the Hotel Russell, London, the Group is composed of the Vice-Chancellors/Principals of the Universities listed opposite. There are also a number of active sub-groups.
In 2001/02, Russell Group Universities accounted for over 60% (more than £1.5 billion) of UK Universities' research grant and contract income, over 55% of all doctorates awarded in the United Kingdom, and approximately 35% of all students studying in the UK from outside the EU. In the 2001 national Research Assessment Exercise, 78% of the staff in grade 5* departments and 57% of the staff in grade 5 departments were located within Russell Group Universities. The aims and objectives of the Russell Group are to promote the interests of Universities in which teaching and learning are undertaken within a culture of research excellence, and to identify and disseminate new thinking and ideas about the organisation and management of such institutions.
原文网址: http://spaces.msn.com/members/houwenxuan/blog/cns!1pDqHDQ3v7yPtRKiN3pdp2UA!2033.trak
Member organisations
University of Birmingham 伯明翰
University of Bristol 布里斯托
University of Cambridge 剑桥
Cardiff University 卡地夫
University of Edinburgh 爱丁堡
University of Glasgow 哥拉斯哥
Imperial Collegeof Science, Technology & Medicine 帝国理工
King's College London 国王
University of Leeds 利兹
University of Liverpool 利物浦
London School of Economics & Political Science 伦敦经济
University of Manchester 曼彻斯特
University of Newcastle upon Tyne 纽卡斯尔
University of Nottingham 诺丁汉
University of Oxford 牛津
University of Sheffield 谢菲尔得
University of Southampton 南安普顿
University of Warwick 华威
University College London 大学学院
各个学校的具体信息可以参考:http://www.russellgroup.ac.uk/ 和
Ruseell一般都是又大,研究又强的学校。于是,有些相对较小但研究也比较强的学校构建了1994 Group,不用说,一定是1994年成立的。LSE和WARWICK没闲着,俩联盟都加入了。UMIST是1994 Group的,但由于和曼大合并了,所以曼大也算半个Member,虽然曼大明显不符合中小学校的特征。这些学校也是挺值得读的,而且不少很有味道。比如St Addrews,那儿的风景让我神往以久,还有Durham的城堡和colleges,York的城堡和outlet,lancaster的宁静,Bath的草场,Warwick的崭新。。。这几句属于我个人感觉的可以略过去不看,和学校没关系。这里的学校可读性也是很强的。
University of St Andrews
University of Durham
Lancaster University
University of York
University of Warwick (also in the Russell Group)
University of Reading
University of East Anglia
University of Essex
Birkbeck, University of London
Goldsmiths College, University of London
Royal Holloway, University of London
London School of Economics and Political Science (also in the Russell Group)
University of Surrey
University of Bath
University of Sussex
University of Exeter
1,Ancient universities,一般成立于19世纪前。
University of Oxford – founded before 1167
University of Cambridge – founded 1209
University of St Andrews – founded 1413
University of Glasgow – founded 1451
University of Aberdeen – founded 1495
University of Edinburgh – founded 1583
University of Dublin – founded 1592
2,红砖大学,Red Brick universities,成立于19-20世纪初期。
University of Birmingham
University of Bristol
University of Leeds
University of Liverpool
University of Manchester
University of Sheffield
这6个是传统意义的红砖大学。红砖开始是说6个市立大学,成立于工业革命和维多利亚女王时代,在二战前升级为大学。有个所谓的civic university movement在1851年,Owens College就变成曼大了。这些大学都没有college。
但还有一些虽然不够正宗,但可以看作Red Brick universities。他们是:
University of Reading
Queen's University, Belfast
University of Exeter
University College London
University of Southampton (originally part of the University of London)
University of Wales (Aberystwyth, Bangor and Cardiff, and St David's College, Lampeter).
原文网址: http://spaces.msn.com/members/houwenxuan/blog/cns!1pDqHDQ3v7yPtRKiN3pdp2UA!2033.entry
3. Plate Glass University 厚玻璃大学-created in the 1960s
Brunel University
University of Bath
University of Bradford
University of East Anglia
University of Essex
University of Kent
University of Keele
Lancaster University -
University of Stirling
University of Sussex
University of Warwick -
University of Ulster
University of York - W和Y是这个时期大学最出色的
4。现代大学 Post-1992 or "Modern" Universities
这些学校成立的比较晚,也有发展快的,比如Plymouth,但和上面的学校还有明显的差距。这个名单比较长,简单点说就是除了其他4种的其他学校了。这些学校加起来,到目前可能也没出几个特牛的人,但是要用发展的眼光看问题嘛,他们其中某些谁能说不能也来个Warwick,York,Lancaster这样的发展速度呢?!再过了10年也许其中的某些学校会有实力冲击前15了。(这15说的是RAE PERFORMANCE, 不是各类报纸)。 WHO KNOWS.
5。Open University 也就是所谓的函授,或者远程教育univeristy.