英国华人论坛 权威统计——最受中国学生追捧的英国大学TOP1





The UK remains one of Chinese students' top three destinations for studying abroad, and thegrowing number going there in recent years has not gone unnoticed.

In January, the UK's Higher Education Statistics Authority said more first-year students from China enrolled at British universities than those from all European Union countries combined. Intotal, 58,810 Chinese undergraduates started studying in Britain last year.

Let's take a look at the UK universities that attracted the most Chinese students last year,according to the Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate-General.

1 利物浦大学 The University of Liverpool


The University of Liverpool is one of the great universities of research and innovation that attracts students and experts from around the world. The university has produced nine Nobel Prizewinners. It currently has 22,000 students, including 7,000 international students on campus. Around 3,200 Chinese students were enrolled last year.

2 曼彻斯特大学 The University of Manchester


The University of Manchester is the largest single-site university in the UK. International students play a huge role at the University of Manchester, where its student population hails from 154 countries. It is a Russell Group member and one of the world's top 50 universities. Around 3,100Chinese students were enrolled last year.

3 诺丁汉大学 The University of Nottingham

诺丁汉大学的定位是英国领先的研究型大学之一。具有里程碑意义的学术成就是在2003年Peter Mansfield教授被授予诺贝尔医学奖。这是罗素集团成员和世界排名前100的大学之一。去年约有2800中国学生入学。

The University of Nottingham is positioned as one of Britain's leading research universities. The university reached a landmark in its long list of academic achievements in 2003 when Sir Peter Mansfield, a professor there, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine. It is one of the world's top 100 universities and a member of the Russell Group. Around 2,800 Chinese students wereenrolled last year.

4 伯明翰大学 The University of Birmingham


The University of Birmingham was established by Queen Victoria by Royal Charter in 1900 and was the UK's first civic or 'redbrick' university. It is one of the world's top 100 universities and amember of the Russell Group. More than 2,500 Chinese students were enrolled last year.

5 谢菲尔德大学 The University of Sheffield


Located in England's fourth-largest city, the University of Sheffield dates back to 1828. It is one of the world's top 100 universities and a member of the Russell Group. The university has launched a project to help the city's businesses break into the Chinese market by working with its Chinese-speaking graduates. Around 2,500 Chinese students were enrolled last year.

6 南安普顿大学 The University of Southampton


The University of Southampton is one of the founding members of the prestigious Russell Group.Last year, more than 2,000 Chinese students were enrolled.

7 纽卡斯尔大学 Newcastle University


Newcastle University, formally known as the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, has long beenrecognized as one of the top 20 UK universities. It has a world-class reputation for research excellence and is a member of the Russell Group, which is committed to maintaining the highest research and teaching standards in the UK. Around 1,900 Chinese were enrolled last year.

8 莱斯特大学 University of Leicester


The University of Leicester is a leading UK university committed to international excellence inresearch. Around 1,900 Chinese were enrolled last year.

9 伦敦大学学院 University College London


Based in the heart of London, University College London is one of the world's leading multidisciplinary universities. The school is one of the top-rated universities in the country for research strength. Around 1,800 Chinese students were enrolled last year.

10 东安格利亚大学 The University of East Anglia

东安格利亚大学位于英国诺里奇市, 东安格利亚大学有来自120多个国家的4000多名国际学生。2014年大约1700名中国学生入学。

Located in the city of Norwich, England, the University of East Anglia has a student population of 15,000 and is home to more than 4,000 international students from over 120 countries. Around 1,700 Chinese students were enrolled in 2014.



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