因为穿了人字拖等不合规定的鞋子上学,诺丁汉一所学校的50多名学生在新学期的第一天被轰回家。嘉诺格里城市学院的校长为老师这一做法辩护称,对孩子们来说,学会得体地着装是人生中很重要的一课。More than 50 pupils were sent home from a Nottingham school on the first day of term after turning up in inappropriate footwear – including flip-flops。
The headteacher of Djanogly City Academy defended teachers' actions and said being properly dressed was an important life lesson for children。
About 100 pupils who broke the school's uniform rules are reported to have been taken out of class on the first day of term, with 56 sent home to change after their parents were contacted。
The uniform policy states plain black leather shoes should be worn by the 1,197 pupils on the roll。
The Nottingham academy has been in special measures since 2013.
However, the school has been steadily improving under the stewardship of the new head, Dave Hooker。
Hooker said: "Being appropriately dressed, whether for school or work, is a lesson that will benefit all our students throughout their lives。
"It is our duty to give them every advantage and a key part of that is understanding that personal standards are very important."