给我办签证时分,新公司在cos上选择的occupation code是shortage occupation。原本上周五应该遭到后果,当初还没动静。问了担任签证的中介,他们说home office分割他们questioning the occupation code that was chosen for your role as it is on the shortage occupation list but only for cyber security roles(过后选的occupation code是IT teleco妹妹unication阿谁)。虽然我的job title是engineer,但其实不包孕cyber security。中介和hr磋商后抉择进步我的工资。原话是we have decided to increase your salary so that we aren’t having to rely on the shortage occupation salary threshold (which is a reduced salary threshold)。当初曾经修正了cos并发给home office持续处置。
想问下各位,假如home office感觉所选的occupation code不合乎我的职位,这个会影响签证请求后果吗?我也不知道cos是只改了工资,仍是又换了个更适合的occupation code。
原本认为工签请求没甚么存疑的,没想四处理时分真碰到这类。 但愿所有顺利