如题 明天看了下VAF 10的表格 没说要求住宿证实 看了下大学的民间阐明 也没说要求住宿证实或者甚么房主的许可
我附上了我看到的VAF10所需的资料 费事各位帮助过目一下 是否真的不需求甚么住宿证实房主许可托之类的货色 (由于我住的房子的中介明白说不克不及用来请求陪读签 =。=)
1)Your current passport and any previous passports that you have.
2)Two passport photos which meet the requirements of the Home Office.
3)Financial documents which prove you have the required funds available to you (unless you are a ‘low risk’ applicant). 这一项的阐明比其余八项都多…我就省略掉细节了先…
4)Evidence of previous qualifications mentioned in the ‘evidence used to obtain’ section of your CAS. If you are a ‘low risk’ applicant or your CAS states that you are being sponsored on the basis of 'progression on progra妹妹e to date’ you do not need to provide qualification evidence.
5)Police Registration Certificate (if applicable)
6)ATAS Certificate (if applicable)
7)Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) (if applicable)
8)Birth and/ or marriage certificate if a dependant is/ dependants are applying at the same time as you
9)A medical certificate if applicable (please see the information on Health (tuberculosis) screening on the Home Office website).