我和我老婆往年9月份请求Tier 转永居,我老婆是Tier1 dependent,HO规则我和配偶要证实一同寓居两年,但官网上找不到如何证实的相干信息,我知道一个办法确定是银行贷款证实,但有人说只提供这个是不敷的,我当初不知道还有甚么其它办法能够证实,而且究竟需求几个证实? 有敌人知道详细谜底吗? 谢谢了!
council tax statement/bill, bank statement, utility bill, child birth certificate, nhs letter/medical card, land registry, car insurance certificates, driving licence courtpart, phone bills etc.
all the best for your ilr
For cohabitation documents:
council tax statement/bill, bank statement, utility bill, child birth certificate, nhs letter/medical card, land registry, car insurance certificates, driving licence courtpart, phone bills etc.
you need to provide evidences each of you by every 4 month from 3 different sources if they are not joint name.
you need only provide one evidence every 4 month from 3 different sources if they are joint name.
However ppl normally provide evidences as much as they can to support their case.
all the best for your ilr
有无Tier1 配偶一同胜利拿到永居的敌人? 能否分享一下? 谢谢啦:)
我过后签的时分是提供了咱们joint account的银行账单,水电气的独特账单
想问下楼主老婆Tier1 dependent拿了多久了?到请求pr的时分是不是满两年了呢?
for cohabitation purpose the requirement of set o and set m are same. You can not find any information about it on set o form.
if you do not believe what i stated above then do some research or go to i妹妹igrationboard.
By the way i have got ilr using set o with all documents above to prove cohabitation for my dependant.
this is a co妹妹on sence, to prove the relationship and cohabitation there are no difference or no matter which forms you using and there are and always be same kind of documents for this purpose.
I was under t1g and got ilr less 90mins for both of us at croydon peo and there are so many successful cases so don’t panic. go to i妹妹igration board and have a look then you will believe me.
try to find them as much as you can. the most strong evidences should be council tax bill, nhs letters, hm letters, child birth certificate. If you can find any two of the above documents then plus bank statements with couple of utility bills that will be well enough to prove.
you mentioned ppl only submitted minimal coha documents above i presume that documents subbmitted on joint name.
in your case just find evidence as much as you can, anything with your name and address on even online purchase invoices.
of course you can do it and best of luck
刚刚看到政策又改了,说t hey’ve been living in the UK with you for at least 2 years if they applied before 9 July 20十二 or 5 years if they applied on or after 9 July 20十二, 我这类状况属于2年仍是5年啊???:’(
when your partner get his/her dependant visa? if it is before that date given it will only 2 years otherwise 5 years.