我是中国护照拿两年半特殊签证的VISA,我老公和儿子都是英国籍,我想去法国或者荷兰玩,但其实不肯定时间,据说老公是英国籍的能够请求到最少1-5年的申根签证,这样就省去费事老去请求了,请问苹果的达达们,我应该请求哪一个类型的能力拿到1-5年的申根签证?Family member of a co妹妹unity citizen and assimilated, or of his/her spouse的能够吗?
4/ Family member of a co妹妹unity citizen and assimilated, or of his/her spouse - You wish to go to France for a short visit or to live with “a member of your family” who is a citizen of one of the E.U. countries, the European Economic Area (EEA), or a citizen of Switzerland. “Member of family” means: the spouse, the direct ancestor (dependent) of a E.U. citizen or of his/her spouse and the direct descendants under 21 years old or dependents of a French citizen. If the citizen of the E.U. is a student, “member of family” means: the spouse and the direct descendants under 21 years old or dependent.