Purpose of Application: Family Visitor
Type of Application: (Family) Single, double and multiple, vaild upto 6 months
可是上面Important Information泛起
Only customers who hold a Tier 5 YMS Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) issued by the Consular Services Division in the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs should proceed to submit an application under this category. Customers who do not hold the required CoS will not be able to complete the application process.
此外父母一同过去,是否要分红两个请求啊?(我当初online application停留在第一步没有持续上来,还不知道前面的表格甚么样)
反正我是疏忽这个间接填的表由于他上面这个正文基本是牛头不合错误马嘴,感觉最有可能的就是他网上这个有问题… 然而我当初填表填一半好像问的问题都是投亲签证的问题,好像又没错~
1)Part 2, 17, Issuing authority: 我按护照上填只能填到 Exit and Entry Administration Ministry of Public S 空间不敷Security基本填不进去
2)Part 4, 44, Do you have any dependant children? 咱们家就我一个,应该是填 No 对吧
3)Part 5, 57, How much do you spend each month on living costs? 是把我父母糊口费除以2吗
4)Part 5, 58, How much money is available for your visit? 咱们家贷款根本都放在我妈名下,这个怎么填啊?
Part 5, 62, What is the cost to you personally of your stay in the United Kingdom? 这个大家个别填多少啊?吃住行都是我来付,不知道写2000镑够不敷
Part 5, 63, You stated that you have savings‚ property or income. Please give details and state which currency e.g. US Dollars or UK Pounds Sterling. 这个父母的房产怎么填?莫非还要来个市场估价?
5)Part 7, 89, Their permission to stay in the UK (if applicable) 我是先生签,这儿就填Tier 4 General Student 了对吧
Part 7, 99, Please list the names of all other relatives who will be staying at the address at the same time as you. 我和我妻子始终住一同在英国,那末这儿是要填她的信息吗?仍是我妈的(她和我爸一同请求投亲过去)?仍是填她们两人的?
Part 7, 100, What does the relative do in the UK? (Please give details of employment, study etc.) 这儿再把我和我妻子的信息填一遍?
Part 7, 104, Please provide the following details of all other close family members in the UK: Name; Nationality; details of their permission to stay in the UK; Relationship; Address; Landline telephone number 我父母就过去看我和我妻子,咱们没其余亲属在英国了,这儿是否就不必填了?
之前填写本人的签证资料都没觉着繁杂,怎么发现投亲签表格上有这么多问题… 请大家帮帮助解答一下吧,谢谢了