我老公之前靠配偶签PR时没有提供过楼上说的糊口照(表格上也没说要提供糊口照)。咱们次要提供了联名的银行帐单,还有水电煤帐繁多些病院appointment之类的信。你看表格上说的内容,它没规则说一定需求帐单(只是说帐单是能够承受的资料之一)。你需求6封单方姓名的函件(最佳联名),最少是3个不同出处的,还有要散布2年的。你没有bill也能够提供其余的资料,好比病院/GP的appointment letter,电话账单(不是手机),税务局给你的税务帐单/函件之类,其实均可以的。
Note 8 We need 6 letters or other documents addressed to you jointly or in both your names. If you do not have enough
items in your joint names, you may also provide items addressed to each of you individually if they show the same address
for both of you. Examples of acceptable letters and documents are listed below. They must be originals.
The dates of the letters or documents should spread over the whole 2 years. They should be from at least 3 different
Please give an explanation on a separate sheet if you cannot provide 6 items; if the documents are not addressed to both of
you; or if they do not cover the 2-year period. If you and your partner lived with relatives or friends for some or all of the 2-year period, please provide a letter from the relative(s) and/or friend(s) confirming this.
If you did not live together for any part of the 2-year period, tell us the reasons for this and whether you stayed in contact witheach other during this time, and provide any relevant supporting evidence.
Examples of acceptable types of letters and documents
letters or other documents from government departments or agencies, for example HM Revenue and Customs, Dept for Work and Pensions, DVLA and TV Licensing
letters or other documents from your GP, a hospital or other local health service about medical treatments, appointments,
home visits or other medical matters
bank statements/letters
building society savings books/letters
council tax bills or statements
electricity and/or gas bills or statements
water rates bills or statements
mortgage statements/agreement
tenancy agreement(s)
telephone bills or statements