我是5年工签,到明年1月20号,往年年底打算面签pr。当初问题是我14个半月的儿子去年十一月(过后6个月大英国出世的)就回国了到当初始终在国际,我2月份回来下班。我lg往年4月中旬也回国任务了,他回到国际就给儿子请求了我的dependent签证,7月份才批上去。原本打算这个月就办婆婆的family visitor签证,她带宝宝过去。可是比来给HO电话问我儿子能否和我一起签pr的问题,回答只有别人来到英国能够,然而由于当初就我一集体在英国,孩子又分开了这么久,似乎其实不depend on我,孩子的pr能不克不及批是不肯定,不外怎样孩子到时分也要跟婆婆回国的,我一集体在这边没方法关照他。大家确定说个么为何要给孩子办pr呢,意义不大了,其实只是感觉便利的多,明年假如想孩子还能够请求我妈或者婆婆再带孩子过去几个月。有无类似阅历的TX说说这个胜利的可能性有多大?有无甚么方法能让这个办上去的可能性大些?
起初又电话一家中介,大略说法差未几,但说有一招是我lg到时分过去和孩子一同作为我的dependent请求pr(我当初开始疑心这个也行欠亨,这个对他离境好像有90天限度的,他曾经超过了,请指导)。且不说他过去代价挺高,办dependent visa,机票等。次要对他分开英国这么久在请求签证的跟前又回来我怕他们会question,感觉他是为了签证才过去的。还有办完当前他确定还要回国任务。这个对当前他再出境是否影响很欠好呢?我本人目前是打算请求英国国籍的。他假如3,5年后就算这个pr dependent visa作废了,从新请求我的spouse visa会不会遭到影响?
还有假如孩子跟我办经过的概率不大的话,我就不打算让孩子过去了(当初的dependent签就挥霍了),明年假如能够的话,从新在国际给儿子办我的dependent签,夏天的时分跟婆婆过去和我一同待半年等我年底拿到国籍差未几就打算回国了。比来在HO网站上看我一集体在这边给儿子办很难,由于他们会以为儿子是depend on爸爸的,而不是我。哎,当初真的很纠结,不知道该怎么办?莫非只能把孩子放在国际不带过去了?
大家帮我出出主张吧,lg说回就回了,把一切的困难都交给我了,怎么办啊怎么办? 据说有的啊叉中介挺厉害的,有么有知道的TX呢?引见下也行,谢过各位啦!!
Children of British citizens and people settled in the UK
If you are a permanent resident of the UK or we have given you permission to settle here, you may be able to bring your children to live here permanently. The section on children of permanent residents contains more information
Can my child join me if I am a permanent UK resident?
This page explains how your child or children can apply to settle permanently with you in the UK if you are a permanent resident here, or if you have been given permission to settle here permanently (also known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’).
There are additional requirements for adopted children. If you have temporary permission to live in the UK, see the Children of temporary residents page.
Children cannot normally come to settle in the UK unless both parents are settled here or have been given permission to come and settle here. The only exceptions are where:
one parent is dead and the other is settled or coming to settle here; or
the parent who is settled or coming to settle in the UK has had sole responsibility for the child’s upbringing; or
one parent is settled or coming to settle in the UK and there there are serious reasons why the child must be allowed to come here.
(The term ‘parent’ includes the stepfather or stepmother of a child whose father or mother is dead, both parents of an illegitimate child, and an adoptive parent in certain circumstances - see the page on adopted children.)
Your child must show that they:
are not leading an independent life;
are not married or in a civil partnership;
have not formed an independent family unit; and
are aged under 18.
If you and your child meet the above requirements, and you can show that you have acco妹妹odation where you can all live without help from public funds, you can bring your child to settle in the UK.
Before your child travels here, they must obtain permission to enter the UK. This permission is known as ‘entry clearance’, and will take the form of a visa or entry clearance certificate. To obtain it, the child should apply to the British diplomatic post in the country where they live. For more information, see our visa services section.
Just get your PR and then Citizenship, and then think about getting your family here. Why do you must achieve everything now??? If your LG and kid would stay in China most of time, there is no point getting the PR (and very difficult and pricey too).