21 June 20十一
The UK Border Agency is setting up new arrangements for skilled workers who came here under work routes that have now closed, so that they can extend their stay in the UK to a total of 5 years.
When we introduced Tier 2 of the points-based system in 2008, we made transitional arrangements so that migrants in closed work categories could apply to extend their stay under Tier 2. We intended that their permission to stay (known as ‘leave to remain’) under Tier 2 would take their total stay in a work category to 5 years, but we are aware that some migrants may have been granted an incorrect extension owing to technical restrictions.
We will soon introduce arrangements for these migrants to get additional leave to remain, taking their total stay to 5 years. This additional leave will be granted free of charge.
Can you apply?
To qualify for the additional leave, you must have previously been given permission to stay for less than 2 years as:
a Business and Co妹妹ercial work permit holder (which includes ICT work permits);
a Sports and Entertainment work permit holder;
a Jewish agency employee;
a member of the operational ground staff of an overseas-owned airline; or
a minister of religion, missionary or member of a religious order.
Additionally, you must meet the following requirements:
you applied for, and were granted, leave to remain under Tier 2 through the transitional arrangements in place for migrants in these categories;
you are still working for the employer who assigned your certificate of sponsorship, and being paid the appropriate salary for your job;
you intend to continue working for the same employer;
you currently have valid leave to remain in a Tier 2 category (General, Intra company transfer, Minister of religion or Sportsperson);
you were granted the maximum period of 3 years’ leave to remain under Tier 2; and
you can prove that you still meet the conditions of your existing leave.
If you are granted additional leave, this does not guarantee that you will qualify for permission to settle in the UK (known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’) when you have been here for 5 years - you will need to meet all the settlement criteria in force at the time when you apply for settlement.
How to apply
To apply for additional leave under these arrangements, you will need to use new application form T2 (W). We will publish this application form on this website in early August 20十一.
You will not need to obtain a new certificate of sponsorship, but you will need to:
enrol your fingerprints and facial image (known as ‘biometric information’); and
provide evidence that you are working for the same employer.
The application form will list the supporting evidence that you will need to send with your application.
Your family members will need to apply on a T2 (W) (Dependent) application form, which will also be available on this website in early August 20十一.
假如您获取额定假期,这其实不能包管你将有资历获取许可,在英国假寓(如“有限期留留”之称),当您已延续5年在这里 - 你需求知足一切的结算规范在过后的假寓请求时,你的气力。
google translate就算了吧?
原文说的很明确了,这是关照08年wp,ict等等并轨到t2的那些人,过后由于某些操作上的细节致使一部份人转t2一开始没有给够2年,加之起初的三年也不敷5年,这次的收费 ‘补差额’会让他们无机会凑够5年,但pr的要求不会升高,会根据未来他们请求的时分实施的要求来权衡。新的特定请求表8月份发布。
4.14 We propose that those Tier 2 General migrants who have entered the UK under the new limit – i.e. since April 20十一 – should have no direct path to settlement. Removing Tier 2 migrants’ automatic right to apply for settlement after 5 years UK residence will encourage employers to look beyond migrant workers to upskill the domestic labour force. A temporary Tier 2 route will maintain employers’ ability to fill short term skills gaps from overseas, while discouraging overreliance on foreign workers
The consultation will run for three months, until 9 September and we will announce our firm
plans in due course. As the Home Secretary announced in February, we intend the
settlement reforms will affect those workers who entered economic migration routes under
the I妹妹igration Rules in force from 6 April this year and who, under the current system,
could have expected to apply for settlement in 2016. The timing of reforms to Tier 5 and
the overseas domestic worker routes will depend on the outcome of consultation, but we
would anticipate them taking effect during 20十二.