自己去年2月份由于无保险驾驶被police停 (运气欠好 那时开了辆排气量3.6的日産350z, Directline以排气量大,而我未满25岁为理由回绝为这辆车保险), 被Police扫描个正着, 但过后他们并没告我去法庭 只是issue了一个fixed penalty notice给我,扣6分 罚款200镑
再几个月便可以请求10年ILR 过后还耽心会不会由于这个缘故被拒 起初发邮件问home office 对方的回覆是只有没上法庭 1次fixed penalty notice不是criminal conviction,不会影响的 (原话:“a Fixed Penalty Notice and paid that without it going to court, then it should not count as a criminal conviction for the purposes of your settlement application.”)
然而我在论坛上看到得多敌人都是由于一样无保险驾驶的问题而原告上法庭 能够求教下为何吗?为何一样没有保险有些人会原告上法庭,有些只会被issue fixed penalty notice?是RP态度和police表情抉择的吗?fixed penalty noctice里有一个专门的code是处置无保险驾驶的呀
你侥幸了呗,fixed penalty不算的。
不算的, 下次谨慎吧,尤为在英国这个法治社会,一定要按规矩服务{:5_143:}
Letter to UKBA:
Respected Sir or Madam,
I was reading the new settlement rules(PROPOSED) set by UKBA.
I need an advise on the first point i.e. Applicants will need to be clear of unspent convictions when they apply for settlement.
I have been give a Fixed Penalty Notice in by London metropolitan police in 2010 , I have 6 points on my driving licence. Due to offence code IN10 (driving without mortor insurance).
Does this include in criminal conviction?
What is the meaning of unspent conviction?
I hope you will advise me at your earlist about this.
Waiting for a favorable reply from your end.
UKBA Reply
Dear Mr XXX,
Thank you for your enquiry.
Please be advised that receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) is not a criminal conviction and will not impact on your application for Indefinite Leave to remain (ILR).
The exceptions to this will be where either there are criminal proceedings for failure to pay and the individual has an unspent conviction as a result of that or the individual has multiple FPNs, particularly over a short period of time, and would be considered in line with the general requirements of character, conduct and associations within paragraph 322(5) of the Rules.
If you meets the requirements of the I妹妹igration Rules for ILR, you may submit your application. A Fixed Penalty Notice and paid that without it going to court, then it should not count as a criminal conviction for the purposes of your settlement application.
I hope that this information will be of assistance to you.
Yours sincerely,
我想假如是被issue了fixed penalty notice,只有扣过分定时pay了fine就没事 我记得pay fine的期限是within 28 days,假如超时即便想付也付不了了。
假如不pay fine的话就会转成criminal conviction了 这是集体了解
还有就是短时间内不克不及延续收到多张fixed penalty notice 不外自己在uk快10年就收到过这一次~