Your family members (or you) must have enough money to cover their monthly living costs. Your family member may have to pay a lower amount of living costs if you are applying having completed a course, or are about to complete a course of study in the United Kingdom that was at least six months long in the past four months. If your family member does not have enough money and cannot prove it, their application will be refused.
The amount of money that your family members (or you) will need to show (as well as the money you must show to cover your own living costs in the United Kingdom) is:
Outside London: Each of your family members will need to show that they (or you) have £400 per month, for each month of your course up to a maximum of nine months
If you are applying having completed a course, or are about to complete a course of study in the United Kingdom that was at least six months long in the past four months, the money you will need to show is:
Outside London: Each of your family members will need to show that they (or you) have £400 per month, for each month of your course up to a maximum of two months
现行规则是533 x 在英国获取签证的月数,这个月数移民局规则是最高9个月,然而我集体以为能够无视它。这里有一个潜规则移民局没有提,就是你的糊口费,在提交你老婆签证的时分也要证实你有足够的糊口费,这个也在移民局斟酌是不是给签证的规模以内。假如有疑难分割我,我能够给你出主张QQ:1791897
证实你在那里 够钱花就行。
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