联系人:Lara邮箱:[email protected]详情大家要注意某位在伦敦办公的女律师,Ms WL C1)我有两件案子委托了给她办理,其中一件是关于店铺买卖的,当初我不知道,原来她一直都是交给在办公室的实习生来操作的,后来我有一次打电话问事情进展的时候,她竟然完全不知道我在说什么, 一问三不知。这几个月实习生都没有上班了,她是不管不问,心情好的时候回一份邮件,其他时候是完全无视我们交代的事情,不回买家律师的邮件,我们催了她一个月让她发合同,至今没有发给对方律师。看她这么拖下去,没有任何想办理事情的态度,我们现在实在没办法委托了另外一位律师。不可思议的是这位Ms WL C 现在竟然不肯把买家支付的定金转出来转到我新的律师那里,无耻的要求让我支付给她全部的律师费用再额外加 £500,不然她就不把定金转出来。我现在高度怀疑她其实就是打着这个算盘,拖着不做事情然后捞钱。2)我的第二个案件是今年的四月份交给她的,至今没有联系过对方或者写过一份邮件给对方。我书面要求她退还当初我支付给她的费用,她更是没有做出任何回复以及回应。我们大家赚钱都不容易,这位Ms WL C 实在是做得太离谱了,如此无理无耻地捞别人的钱,完全没有任何职业道德的底线。
Such lack of professionalism and lack of responsiveness.
She delegates the majority of the works that herself is supposed to do to trainees who don't have enough knowledge/expertise and she doesn't have a clue of the matter that I instructed her to do when I called her asking about updates.
No replies to emails neither, replies only when she is in the mood to reply something.
She takes the money but doesn't do her job, it has been a circle of chasing without an end with her.
Now she wants to hold the money that doesn't belong to her, this is seriously crazy.I would really recommend to stay clear of her.