英国华人论坛 对话签证官实录–英国签证解疑


[ 主持人 ]: 各位网友大家好!英国一直是中国学生出国留学的热点国家,近几年留学英国的中国学生的数量不断增加,而关于留学英国的一些政策都是各位网友所关心的。今天我们非常荣幸地请到了英国驻广州总领事馆签证处签证官员 Andrew 回答大家在申请留学签证中遇到的各种困难。欢迎大家积极提问。 14:31:41

[ 主持人 ]: 大家可以自由提问。我会把你们的问题粘贴在网上 ,Andrew 会一一回答的。 14:50:58

[ 签证官 ]:Hello, my name is Andrew. I am an Entry Clearance Officer working in the Visa Section of the British Consulate General in Guangzhou. I will do my best to answer as many of your questions as possible 14:51:26
(大家好,我叫 Andrew ,我是英国驻广州总领事馆签证处的签证官员,我会尽我所能回答大家尽可能多的问题。)

[ 主持人 ]: 很多学生在申请签证时会有很多不同的疑问,尤其是经济材料的问题。欢迎你们问这个方面的问题。 14:57:47

[ 签证官 ]:Regarding funding firstly you need to decide who will be paying for your studies. This person is your “sponsor”. You can have more than one sponsor. Normally a sponsor will be your parent but actually anybody can be your sponsor. You should submit as much evidence as possible of your sponsor's financial and economic circumstances to show that he/she has the means to meet the costs of your studies. This evidence might be evidence of their employment such as an employment letter, salary book, tax documents, bankbooks, bank statements, property certificates. Really the list is endless. Anything that shows your sponsors financial and economic circumstances is acceptable. 15:02:20
(关于经济来源的问题,你必须决定谁将支付你的学习费用,这个人就是你的 “ 资助人 ” 。 你可以有多个资助人。通常,这个人会是你的父母,但实际上谁都可以是你的资助人。你必须提交尽可能多的证据来证明你的资助人的财务和经济状况,以拥有足够资金来支持你在英国留学的费用。这个证明可以是雇佣信,工资单,税务资料,银行存款,财产证明等等,其实这个清单是列不完的,只要可以证明你的资助人的财务和经济状况就可以了。)

[ 主持人 ]: 现在是 suryamin 提出的问题:“Andrew, 我在台湾长大,拿的是印尼的护照,但从来没有回去过印尼,请问我如何证明没有移民英国的意图呢?谢谢! ”15:03:05

[ 签证官 ]:Suryamin - would you be applying as a student and if so what sort of course are you considering? 15:05:11
( Suryamin ,你是要申请学生签证吗?如果是,你想申请什么课程呢?)

[ 主持人 ]:suryamin 回答 Andrew :“是的,想去英国读博士。 ” 15:06:21

[ 签证官 ]:Dear Suryamin – PHDs are normally long courses and there would be legitimate avenues that would subsequently allow you to remain in the UK should you wish to do so. If you satisfy us that you genuinely intend to pursue these studies and can meet the cost you would not have to satisfy us that you intend to leave the UK on completion of those studies. 15:10:44
( Suryamin ,完成博士学位通常需要比较长的时间,如果你希望之后继续留在英国,也有合法的途径。如果你能让我们信服你是真正去完成你的学业,并有足够支持你完成该学业的费用,那么你并不一定要向我们证明你在完成学业之后会离开英国。)

[ 主持人 ]: 有一位叫做 Maggie 的网友等了很长时间,现在是她的问题: ” 英国领事馆是否接受由银行证明的美金存款合同? 美金存款只是一个证明合同而不是存款单,大使馆会接受吗? ”15:11:26

[ 签证官 ]:We would accept such agreements but would need to assess whether the person paying for the studies is genuinely in a position to meet the costs of the proposed studies. Therefore if your costs will be met by a sponsor you should still submit evidence of your sponsor's own financial and economic circumstances. If money has been recently deposited you should provide evidence if possible of where it has come from so that we can see that it really belongs to you or your sponsor and is genuinely available for your studies. 15:15:19

[ 主持人 ]: 我们的网友 Feren0521 有另外一个问题: “ 如果我的资金大部分是出租房子得来的,除了出租文件之外,我是否还要提供我父母的工作证明来证明他们怎样购买这些房子?谢谢! 15:15:23

[ 签证官 ]:This really depends on how long they have owned those houses. If they have only recently come into their possession it would be advisable to show how they got them. Assuming they have had the properties for some time I would advise submitting evidence of their ownership and evidence of the money obtained in rent such as rental contracts etc. If that money is deposited into a bank account it would make sense to submit evidence of that account too. I would still recommend submitting other evidence of your parents' finances such as evidence of their employment and income from it because the more evidence you submit the better the Entry Clearance Officer is placed to make the correct decision. 15:19:54

[ 主持人 ]: 接下来是 canaryxiu 的问题:“我应提前多少天申请签证,如果成功申请的话,我要多久才可以拿到签证?” 15:20:40

[ 签证官 ]:You can apply for a visa up to three months in advance. I would advise applying as soon as you have prepared everything and not to leave things until the last minute just in case there is a problem with your application. The application will reach us very quickly but just how quickly depends on which Visa Application Centre you apply at because some are further away than others from our Embassy and Consulates. Once received applications should normally be decided the same day. 15:26:25

[ 主持人 ]: 网友 sln83 问:申请签证需要多少? 15:26:34

[ 签证官 ]:I assume when you say “how much” you mean how much money? That really depends on what course you are applying to do. If you give me more information I will try to answer your question. 15:28:39

[ 签证官 ]:Generally speaking you would need to show that you have the means to cover the cost of your course and the cost of your maintenance and accommodation. 15:30:09

[ 主持人 ]: 不是每个学生都能够在第一次申请就可以顺利获得签证的。我想 adazhong930 就是其中一位。让 Andrew 给你一些建议吧。下面是 adazhong930 的问题:“ 在我提交上诉的同时,是否可以再次提交我的学生签证申请?” 15:30:19

[ 签证官 ]:Absolutely – anyone that is not successful has the right to reapply at any time. There is no limit to how many times you can reapply if unsuccessful. 15:31:50
(当然 -- 任何没有一次申请成功的人都有权再次申请。如果不成功,也不会有申请的次数限制。)

[ 主持人 ]: 这是 janecai 的问题:“我曾在英国学习一年。可是,由于我没有爱尔兰的签证而进入爱尔兰,被遣送回中国了。我想在英国继续学习而且已经获得学校的录取通知书。我可以再次申请学生签证吗?如何可以,被遣送回国的记录会不会影响签证? 15:32:30

[ 签证官 ]:Our only concern is whether or not you meet the criteria for entry as a student. If you do then you will get a visa regardless of whether or not you were removed from Ireland. It would be advisable however to provide evidence if possible of exactly what happened to you in Ireland. 15:35:11

[ 主持人 ]: 欢迎 mrsc 提问“我们去签证申请中心提交材料是否需要预约?” 15:35:27

[ 签证官 ]:No you can simply turn up at any of our Visa Application Centres at any time without an appointment. I would advise only doing so when they are open though! 15:36:48

[ 主持人 ]: Sln83 的另外一个问题:“谢谢。假如,卡迪夫大学给了我有条件录取通知书,并告诉我学费是 10800 英镑,生活费是 7 , 260 英镑。那我去领馆的时候需要准备多少钱? 15:37:01

[ 签证官 ]:You may be surprised to hear that you do not need to have any specific amount of money at all. You simply need to show that you or your sponsor, have the means to meet the costs. That does not mean having the total cost in advance. 15:39:31

[ 主持人 ]: 这里有个关于学生贷款的问题。 Cabbagecai 问:我们可以用学生贷款申请签证吗? 15:39:42

[ 签证官 ]:Of course. Many British students do the same thing. So long as you can show that you or your sponsor will have the means to repay that loan and that borrowing the amount of money concerned is credible. 15:41:18

[ 主持人 ]: Viviyan 问近期学生签证政策是否会改变? 15:41:27

[ 签证官 ]:That is a very big question and one which I cannot answer fully now. There are some changes on the horizon but these are intended to make it easier for genuine students to apply. We want to issue visas to all genuine students. This year in Guangzhou (where I work) almost 80 percent of all student visa applications were successful. 15:44:29
(这是一个很大的问题,我现在不能完全回答你。是会有些变化但这是为了让真正的学生更容易申请。我们想给所有真正的学生签证。在广州这一年来,大概有 80% 的学生获得了签证申请。)

[ 主持人 ]: 123456rgu 问了一个亲属签证的问题:“我的女儿跟丈夫很难同时获得亲属签证,我听说我的女儿只获得旅游签证,那她如何在英国学习,以及怎么办签证延期呢?我们真的不想移民英国,为什么总是怀疑我们呢? 15:45:11

[ 签证官 ]:Students are allowed to take their dependants to the UK so long as you have enough funds to maintain and accommodate them adequately. There should be no problem for you if those requirements are fulfilled. Your wife and child can apply either together or separately it makes no difference. 15:48:18

[ 主持人 ]: 这是 vivyan 的另外一个问题:我可以用有英国大学的有条件录取通知书来申请学生签证吗? 15:48:25

[ 签证官 ]:Of course but you should also submit evidence that those conditions have been (or will be) met 15:49:34
( 当然,但是你要提供证明哪些条件你符合的证据。)

[ 主持人 ]: Tigerhu613 提出一个好问题:听说英国国家内政部和使馆在研究 2007 年的移民法政策的变化,请问是真的吗?会有什么变化? 15:49:38

[ 签证官 ]:The UK Government wants to encourage genuine students to come to study in the UK. It also wants to encourage some of those to stay in the UK for employment after their studies are completed such as under the “Fresh Talent” Scheme for Scotland and the “Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme”. More information on these and other matters can be found at the following websites: 15:55:03
(英国政府是鼓励真正的学生到英国学习的,同时也鼓励学生在英国完成学业后参加如 “ 苏格兰新天才计划 ” , “ 理工科毕业生培养计划 ” 等,就 可以留在英国工作。相关的信息可以在以下网站查到:
www.ukvisas.gov.uk 15:55:35
www.indhomeoffice.gov.uk/content/ind/en/home 15:55:50

[ 签证官 ]:One of the major proposals is for a points-based scheme that will provide a more transparent, objective and simplified process. It will allow students to check on-line before they apply (and therefore before they have paid any money) whether or not they have enough points and are likely to qualify for a visa. 15:56:01
其中一个主要的提案是“ 计点积分制系统” ,目的是提供更透明,更客观和更简单的流程。学生将可以在申请之前先在网上查询(因此在这之前不需要付任何费用),看自己是否有足够的积分以获得签证。

[ 主持人 ]: Tiger613 有个问题:如果在英国学习的预算是 25 万人民币,而我只有 23 万,我可以申请签证吗?15:55:12

[ 签证官 ]:Dear Tigerhu, I have already explained that there is no need to have all the money up front. If you can satisfy us that you or your sponsor have the means to meet the difference that is fine. You would need to explain where the other 20,000 would come from. 15:58:51
Tigerhu ,我已经解释过,你不需要先准备好所有的钱。只要你能让我们确信你或者你的资助人有办法支付所有的费用即可。同时你需要解释其余的 20 , 000 元从哪来的。

[ 主持人 ]:“tigerhu613: 问题的答案也可以在 www.educationuk.org.cn 上找到相关的中文新闻稿 15:59:28

[ 主持人 ]: Sln83 问:如果我在广州申请学生签证需要面试吗?还是我只是需要提交申请跟相关材料就行了?15:58:20

[ 签证官 ]:All applications are now considered based on the “papers” alone. Very few applicants are required to attend for an interview. You will only be called in for an interview if we find ourselves unable to make a decision based on just your application form and supporting documents. 16:00:45
现在所有的申请都是根据 “ 文件(资料) ” 来考虑 ,很少人需要面试。只有当我们没办法通过你的申请和相关文件决定是否批准你的签证时,才会让你来面试。

[ 主持人 ]: Cabbagecai 问:学生的叔叔或婶婶可以成为资助人吗? 16:00:54

[ 签证官 ]:Of course – anyone can be your sponsor. But the Entry Clearance Officer would have to be satisfied that your sponsor genuinely intends to pay your costs. 16:02:36

[ 主持人 ]: 123456rgu 认为通过代理申请签证比自己申请容易通过。他想知道问什么。 Andrew, 你可以回答吗?这是真的吗 ? 16:02:46

[ 签证官 ]:There are many agents – some are good and some are bad. Some are awful. Our Visa Application Centres www.ukvac.cn can also give you advice on what you need to submit if you wish to apply for a student visa. It is up to you whether or not you wish to use an agent. If you do wish to use an agent you should exercise extreme care to make sure you use a good one. 16:08:44
现在有很多中介公司,有好的也有坏的,还有非常差的。我们的签证申请中心 www.ukvac.cn 可以给你提供一些关于你要提交什么材料申请学生签证的建议。是否需要请中介公司由你自己来决定。如果你确定要请的话,你需要特别小心,并确认你用的是一个好的中介公司。

[ 签证官 ]:All applications are considered equally and in the same way regardless of whether or not submitted by an agent. 16:10:25

[ 主持人 ]: Andrew, 最后你可以给那些要去英国读书的学生一些申请签证的建议吗? 16:09:02

[ 签证官 ]:Firstly I would recommend the UK as a place to study. My advice to any potential student would be to make sure you research your studies as much as possible so that you choose the course that is right for you. Then decide whether or not you can afford it. Make sure that you have chosen a course that you will be able to pursue and check that if you do not have adequate English yet, that you have arranged a suitable and adequate English study plan first (either here or in the UK). When you apply for a visa submit evidence of your current level of education and as much evidence as possible of your sponsor's financial and economic circumstances. Then good luck. 16:14:41

[ 主持人 ]: 好的,今天我们的时间到了,非常感谢 Andrew !也谢谢所有人的参与。我希望大家都能从今天的聊天室中受到一些帮助和启发。今天如果没有回答你的问题,请放到英国总领事馆文教处的网站 www.educaitonuk.org.cn 的社区里,我们会有专人回答大家的提问。 16:14:54

[ 主持人 ]: 今天的访谈就到此结束,再一次谢谢 Andrew 和大家的参与!祝大家好运! 16:15:36


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