中华出国网 更新时间:2005-12-27 浏览:63
现在有很多中介公司,有好的也有坏的,还有非常差的。我们的签证申请中心 www.ukvac.cn 可以给你提供一些关于你要提交什么材料申请学生签证的建议。是否需要请中介公司由你自己来决定。如果你确定要请的话,你需要特别小心,并确认你用的是一个好的中介公司。
[ 签证官 ]:All applications are considered equally and in the same way regardless of whether or not submitted by an agent. 16:10:25
[ 主持人 ]: Andrew, 最后你可以给那些要去英国读书的学生一些申请签证的建议吗? 16:09:02
[ 签证官 ]:Firstly I would recommend the UK as a place to study. My advice to any potential student would be to make sure you research your studies as much as possible so that you choose the course that is right for you. Then decide whether or not you can afford it. Make sure that you have chosen a course that you will be able to pursue and check that if you do not have adequate English yet, that you have arranged a suitable and adequate English study plan first (either here or in the UK). When you apply for a visa submit evidence of your current level of education and as much evidence as possible of your sponsor's financial and economic circumstances. Then good luck. 16:14:41
[ 主持人 ]: 好的,今天我们的时间到了,非常感谢 Andrew !也谢谢所有人的参与。我希望大家都能从今天的聊天室中受到一些帮助和启发。今天如果没有回答你的问题,请放到英国总领事馆文教处的网站 www.educaitonuk.org.cn 的社区里,我们会有专人回答大家的提问。 16:14:54
[ 主持人 ]: 今天的访谈就到此结束,再一次谢谢 Andrew 和大家的参与!祝大家好运! 16:15:36