
University of Birmingham(伯明翰大学)
其实 我的缺陷挺多的, 拿的是伯明翰大学的conditional offer签的,因为我不太走运,伯大的无条件通知书十一号才到我手里,而且是DHL耶!用了八天到我家!!!我都很无奈了!
我的优势只是 钱多,提供了RMB49万。而伯明翰大学要求的是一年大概25万RMB左右。我的资金存的时间分散,而且长,有规律。
还有一个申请技巧, 就是把父母的工资收入一定要开的合适,即使你父母年收入总合30万,你也千万别开这么多!开个十万多足够了!! 因为你提供的证明材料再多也没用!英国鬼子会仍认为是假的,给你父母单位打骚扰电话调查,呵呵。然后用他们的移民法57条拒掉你!!!
下面是我的FUNDING LIST。 供以后申请签证的各位参考,祝大家好运!去了大英帝国后,都要好好学习,给中国人争口气,给父母争口气,也给自己争口气!
Funding List
In September, 2005, I will go to University of Birmingham, UK to study for Master’s degree. The tuition fee specified in my offer is 9050 GBP (I have paid 150 GBP as tuition fee deposit), living expense is about 7,000 GBP, so the total amount is 16,000 GBP.
My father and my mother provide RMB 488,000 of fixed deposits and 5-year-term evidence treasury bonds to support my study and living in UK. The face value is RMB 488, 000 and the actual value (including the interests) is about RMB 500,000. The funds are obviously well conformed to their actual income.
The main documents are as follows:
1. Certificate of deposit of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
RMB 34,000 June1, 2003- June1, 2008
RMB 58,000 September1, 2003- September1, 2008
RMB 40,000 November1, 2003- November1, 2008
RMB 36,000 January26, 2004- January26, 2005
RMB 26,000 March5, 2004- March5, 2005
RMB 13,000 July4, 2004- July4, 2005
RMB 13,000 August23, 2004- August23, 2005
RMB 12,000 January12, 2005- January12, 2008
RMB 100,000 July20, 2002- July20, 2007
RMB 30,000 March4, 2003- March4, 2008
RMB 14,000 April 1, 2003- April 1, 2008
RMB 21,000 April 20, 2004- April 20, 2005
RMB 22,000 September24, 2004- September24, 2005
RMB 19,000 December30, 2004- June30, 2005
RMB 10,000 Feruary2, 2005- February2, 2010
2. Certificate of deposit of Agricultural Bank of China
RMB 40,000 November2, 2002- November2, 2007
In Total: RMB 488,000 1 GBP = 15 CNY
488,000 ÷ 15 = 32,533 Pounds Sterling