迎着五月末刺眼的阳光, 来到了嘉里中心21层的British Embassy签证处.这儿看来环境不错(5.1刚搬的家), 门口站着一个警卫(没有枪), 还有一个带眼镜的假洋鬼子.进去交了预约单, 坐在大厅等着叫号. 于是赶紧细心观察了一下周围的情况: 旁边是一排看起来象洗手间似的Interview Room(A--H),透过玻璃, 可以看到几双男人和女人的脚. 显然, 已有几个人正在里面谈.
为了放松一下自己的紧张情绪, 和外面一起等的各位男女同志聊了聊, 大家都说签证时老外会问的很多, 而且还故意出些的刁难的问题. 结果更加制造了紧张的气愤, woo...叫号的工作人员说话很不清楚, B和D,E不分. 咳... 于是把耳朵竖的高高的...不久, 有几个谈完的出来了, 看起来都挺高兴的. 于是放松了一点点.看看在家里对了好几次的表, 已过了预约时间了, 还没叫到我, 越等越nervous...
许久, 终于叫到了我, 忙提起包, 几位还在继续等着的同志对我说了句: Good luck! 突然想起了一句话: 我自横刀向天笑, 去留肝胆两昆仑. 心一横, 冲吧! 跟赴刑场差不多了. 敲了一下门,进了Room C,但officer还没来, 于是坐下深呼吸...约1分钟多, visa officer和一个翻译进来, 他朝我笑了以下, 我也很高兴, 心里想: "好象签证官不象大家说的那么可怕呀!挺和蔼的." 于是说:Good afternoon! Nice to meet you.他们在隔着玻璃板的那一边坐下, 翻译问我(中文): 请问(好象比较礼貌)面谈用中文还是英文. "English" I replied without hesitation. "ok" 翻译退了出去, 下面没他的事了
Officer began to ask me some questions------
O: "Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?"
M: Yes, very good.
O: Why do you intend to go to the UK?
M: To pursue my master degree.
O: Are you clear about what I am saying?
M: Quite clear. (又问一遍,考验我)
O: Would you go alone or with some one else?
M: Alone.
O: Have you or anyone you know been refused a visa to go to the UK?
M: never, it's my first time! (笑了一下, 他也笑) 以下几个问题问的很快, 我的回答也很快. 他一直低者头在键盘上敲着记录我的回答.
O: Do you know anyone at all in the UK?
M: No
O: Is anyone of your family outside China now? If so,
M: No
O: Do you know anyone else who intend to travel to the UK?
M: No
O: Have you ever applied for a visa to go to any other country?
M: Never
O: What is the maximum time you wish to stay there?
M: One year
O: Who will pay your course, yourself?
M: no, I will be supported from ...
O: What is ...'s annual income?
M: about...
O: And what does ... do now?
M: ...
O: Do you have a job?
M: yes.
O: What is your present job?
M: I am ....
O: Are you feeling confused about the questions?
M: No, very clear. (又想mislead me)
O: Yes, your english is very good. (他也笑了)
M: Thank you, hehe. (其实在家已练了好几遍了)
O: Where do you intend to study in the UK?
M: ...
O: What is your proposed course.
M: Master of ....
O: Sorry (他让我再说一遍, 以便他记录).
M: Master...Of...... (我说他记,很不好意思,hehe).
O: What will you do when you finish your study in the UK?
M: I will come back to my present company to in charge of ....
O: Why you are so sure you will come back?
M: Of course, (笑了一下), in my point of view, my company is the best software company in China. Also, I am quite sure I will come back.
O: oh, good. (又笑了, 显然他今天心情不错呀)
开始看我的材料, 又向我要了原件. 看完后问我的资金---存单.
用计算器加了一下, 我也很快说出了结果(其实在家里已算了好多遍,hehe), 他也笑了一下.
又问了几个无关紧要的问题. 他说: OK, Do you have anything else to add?
M: (想了一会)I think nothing more, sir.
O: OK, (他在一张纸上写了几个字), Your come to get your passport tomorrow!
"oh, my god." 我心里想. 急忙接过那纸, 如接圣旨般, 看了一眼, 还想说几句, 看他对我一笑, 又无话可说了.
M: Thank you very much for your time. eah... If I could leave now?
O: Of course
M: Hehe, really thank you, bye
O: Bye.
提了包出来, 看看表: 约20分钟. 马上就被几位还在继续等的同志包围了, 大家很关心的问长问短, 我一一解释. 心里无比轻松, 捧着那纸, 如获珍宝. 下楼来, 抬头, 正是艳阳高照。