预约的是1.2 41号,说实话,太早了,我犹豫了很久决定晚一点过去也许这真的是一个明智的决定因为如果早一点点,我就回进入秃头的势力范围
9:30交材料,当时窗口有大小秃头和褐发美眉情况不是很差,但是也不是所有得人都能过大小秃头都比较手狠,只是不同往常得是他们签得很慢后来,褐发男孩出来了,签得巨慢,但是,过得很多 11点左右我周围得牌子顺序是这样得棕色 淡黄色(licca)红色 淡紫色然后我们面前得所有VO得窗口都空了小TT领走了淡紫色的……紧张大TT领走了红色的……更紧张褐发男生领走了棕色的……开始有点希望队伍里面有人嚷嚷,怎么还不签我们我回头怒视,等,这个VO是最好的,别人都眉希望的啊大妈和蔼的亮出淡黄色的牌子,我几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛大妈的仁慈还是依旧我们前面那一队基本上探亲的全过了,只据了几个B1。
vo: Licca?
licca: Hi, Happy new year!:)
vo:新年好……this is the third time you came here.
licca: right!
vo: Why this university
licca: because this is a relative new university and
the professors there are young and know the real modern tech
vo: you are from Tsinghua university and with a ms?
licca: yes (showed her all the document and told her I
graduated in this July)
vo: Plan?
licca: I want to be back to home and help my father to
reflorish his factory..
vo(interrupted): what's your father's job?
licca: he is a manager of a factory.
vo: You are working now in XXX group?
licca: yes, I am working there as TechSupport engineer
vo: what do you do in your work?
licca: I help the instrmentation users to analysis their need
and design industrial solution for them. Also if the factors
required is specific, I will try to solve it and even make some
improvement design. What's more I also helped other engineer in
their projects.
vo: major?
vo: specific?
licca: Mems... micro electrcial mechanical engineering
vo: I don't understand
licca: but you are a benifiter from it. the safebag in your car is
an utilization of MEMS.:)
vo: Do you have recommendation letter from university?
licca: yes. and here it is. (a letter from future university)
vo(皱眉): Wah..
licca: :) let me explain the project....(plapla)
vo(smile): transcript?
licca: sorry? Oh, here it is. It is still sealed.
licca:blabla(keep talking about major)
vo: OK, you are very qualified for visa however,
.....we need to ....(反正就是说check). (go to photocopy machine
to make a copy of my passport)
your number is (指着DS表上的home number)
licca: Well that's my home number and you can call my
mobile phone 139********
vo: Such a long number :)
licca: Yes :)
vo: Ok, when it is ready we will call you.
licca: Ok, thank you so much.
vo :)