英国华人论坛 514 Shanghai F1 Check


Background: full financial aid, EE

(First, I want to say concular officers in Shanghai are very very nice.)(I

cannot recite the exact words, so only pay attention to the contents) 8:00

Walk into the Meilongzhen building. Then the first round guard checked my

DS form, ps: if your photo is incorrect, he won't tell you. Then stepped

forward to 8 floor of the building, stopped by a Chinese officer.

C-Chinese officer M-me

C: What will you do in US?

M: To study

C: Give me your forms and passports

(hand in)

C: Your passport is issued in Beijing, so go to Beijing for your visa


M: I have been working in Hangzhou since last July. (Hand in my temporary


C: Checked the certificate for a while, then showed it to another Chinese


(2 minutes passed) They let me in.

8:10 Took a number script from the machine.

8:20 Handed in my passport, I20, offer letter, admission letter and DS

forms when it was my turn

C-Chinese secretary M-me

C: What will you do in US?

M: To study

C: Give me your forms and passports

(hand in)

C: What are you doing in Shanghai?

M: I am working in Hangzhou

C: So have you been living in Hangzhou since you worked there?

M: Yes

C: OK. Give me your temporary certificate

(hand in)

waited until 9:40

V-yymm M-me

M: Morning madam

V: Morning

M: You need this number?

V: No, I don't need it, You keep it.

M: OK.

V: Well, why was your passport issued in Beijing?

M: Because my hukou is in Beijing. I have been studying in Beijing for 4


V: So you have been working in Hangzhou?

M: Yes

V: Any certificate?

(Don't understand what she is talking about)

M: Ah?

V: Certificate

M: Oh I know. You want to see my employment certificate

V: Yeah

(hand in)

M: The signer is our general manager

V: (nod) Your name card? Do you have your name card? name card? MINGPIAN

M: Oh. I have.

(hand in)

V: Major?

M: I'm majored in Electrical Engineering. I will mainly focus on ???????

and ########

V: So please explain the ???/////

M: NO, not ???//////, is ????????. I will give you a simple example


M: ......................... ***** ............. you know *****?

V: No

M: There is a ***** in your computer.

V: Ooh...(smile)

M: ............(continue to explain my future project)

V: Then how can you prove your current major is related with your future


M: Well, I bring with my undergraduate thesis, you can find the English

abstract here.

(She didn't see the thesis)

V: Since you have got a job, why do you bother to pursue a PhD?

M: I need to improve my theoretical level. You know, a back PhD from

America means higher theoretical level, means more systematic professional

knowledge. So when I come back, my colleagues will listen to my advices,

they will consider my conclusion more seriously......

V: So you have been specified a future advisor in US?

M: Yes

V: Any information about him?

M: I have some emails from my future advisor.

(I found my answer was wrong)

M: Oh, I bring with my future advisor's homepage

V: Yes, give it to me, thanks

(hand in)

M: And I also bring some introduction about my future lab

(hand in)

M: On the second page, you can find some devices I will learn to use in the


(!!!!!This addtional words should be the reason why I was checked, because

those devices may be sensitive to some extent)

V: OK, you have necessary quelification to get your VISA, but now I cannot

issue your visa, because our department will ........(I have known I am

check, so do not care what she said)

M: Can you tell when I can get the final result

V: Basically 4~5 weeks, more or less..........

M: OK Thank you Have a nice day

V: Thanks. bye


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