背景:北理工自动控制系研究生,4月刚毕业, TO CS@CMU
ME: Morning, Sir. How you doing?
VO: Fine. thank you. how about you.
ME: I am fine. thanks.
VO: (looking at my i-20) So you will go to CMU for your PHD?
ME: yeah. I will study computer science at CMU. You know, CMU is the best
in this field.
VO: (interrupt me) You have already got your Ms degree?
ME: yeah. I just got my MS from BIT this April. And before graduation, I
have got a position and worked since
December 2002 in XXX inc. (刚想递学位证和工作证明)
VO: (interrupt me) what is your specilized area?
ME: My interest is in multi-agent systems...
VO: what?
ME: that is multiple agent systems. You know, an agent is XXXXX (我开始往软
For example, .......
CMU's phd program is the best in this area. And this area is promising i
n the next 10 years, in CHINA.
VO: OK, I see. I want to know your plan after your graduation from CMU.
ME: I will come back to China and seek a position in a leading software
comp any like IBM or Microsoft. You see, the area I specilized in has
application in many fields, and one of them is the network and
telecommunications. (天晓得能不能真的用在这些方面,反正VO不是行家,我就大胆说
了). You know, China has a huge and potential maket in the above areas, so
it will be quite easy for me to find a promising job in China...
VO: Is your major something related to Artificial Intelligence?
ME: (不知道怎么VO突然查觉到这点,不敢再隐瞒,只好打圆场) yeah, it is a branc
h of AI. But my interest is just in the software simulation especily in the
area of multi-agent corlaboration and learning, a group behavir of ....
VO: (interrup me) wait a minite, I will check the SEVIS info of you.
ME: OK, thanks. (waiting)
VO: (suddenly speaking) Is your major related to language recognition and pr
ocessing ?
ME. No, it is belong to ...... My area is noting to....
VO: (interrupt me) Is your major related to .....?
ME: No.
VO: (begin to tear the yellow card) Then when will you go to CMU?
ME: about Aug, 6. I want to get there before the university orientation.
VO: OK, will you please go to window 10 and take your visa after about 10
ME: Sure, thank you very much. have a nice day!!
再后来就看到Xiaofan过来了,也被拒,Comfort, 再试一次吧,别这么就放弃。
我领VISA的时候window 10只有4个人,除了我都不像学生,好象不是探亲的就是商务。
已经下定决心了,明天勇闯夺命岛 五一之后开始着手准备 每天起码
1小时 现在至少也有20小时了。 感觉那
些鬼问题准备的已经很充分具体了, 心理素质一直不错, 信心也不成问题。 北京S
ARS形势已经大为改观, 加上CMUer去年全
部通过, 以及前辈们说的版主没有不过。 明天是非去不可了。:) 最重要的, 是收
到了大家如此之多的祝福, 感激之情溢于
言表, 无以为报, 以好消息来振奋人心吧。