我8月6号下午签的,特来感谢各位在我签证前给我帮助的飞友,尤其谢谢blabo, year[em19]。话不多说了,我是来回报各位朋友的,说些实际的,相信对大家有些帮助的,毕竟我这种情况较少的。
排队--安检--交材料--等待叫号,大约1点20分,广播里女vo用英文叫出我的名字“XXX,please come to Room 9.”(名字听起来声音很怪,特别难听。我是那天下午第一个被用英文叫名的,因为自己已有准备,立马起身,这才提前终止了将要发生的猜测。)敲门,进入小房间,没有翻译,只有一位中年女vo,30-40岁,金发,带金色耳坠,脖子上带着很精致的金挂饰。
Me盯着vo微笑:“Good afternoon, miss”
Vo: Hello, How long will you stay in the Uk?
Me: for 3 years
Vo: to study the PhD programme?
Me: Yes.
VO: You got the scholarship?
Me: yes, fees-only scholarship to cover full tuition fees for 3 years.
VO: what is you degree now?
Me: Bachelor of science in XXXX.
VO: When did you get it?
Me: this July。
VO: this July?(a little surprise)
Me: yes, 2003.
VO: en, good student.
Me: Thank you. You are so kind, lady. Just now I felt a little nervous, but now, I am alright.
VO: (smile) thank you. how did you apply for the scholarship?
Me: I email Prof.XXX,who is the dept.head and a top expert in this field, then he gives me a telephone interview and after I showed the competent abilities, he persuaded the school to award me this scholarship.
VO: (点头,在签证表最后一面写字,过了会,抬头问)do you have any projects to fufill?
Me: of course. At each end of academic year, I have to make a final report and before I graduate, I also have to publish 2 successful papers. This field is full of challenge.
VO: good 抽出白单子,开始在上面填(这时知道自己没有被返签,心中狂喜),然后好像写到日期的地方,抬头 if you could not meet the conditions, I mean you can't publish any papers, then how long will you finish the course?
Me: I have consulted this quesiton with my supervior, he said he would helo me and I would stay for no more than 4 years.
VO: 大点其头 Ok, I'll give you the visa for 4 years. please come back for your collection at 3:00 tommorrow afternoon.
Me: thank you sir. good bye. (实在太高兴了,没想到拿到了4年的签证,太爽了,早知道就说5年了。由于高兴,竟然说成了sir,不过vo没在意,点了下头,走了。)
1.the most important part: Confidence. 说话时直视VO眼睛,这样才能表现出自己的真诚,让人有种 I promise I am telling the truth 的感觉。我进屋之后先朝VO笑一下,然后一直盯着她说话,竟然感觉不到一丝紧张。
3.能和VO交流,并且有礼貌,说些奉承话例如 I thought it was rather nervous, but after seeing you, I just find you are so kind等。当我说这句的时候,VO很高兴。还朝我说了句thank you.
OK, that is all, I am released now, 我也无憾了,我从各位飞友那里得到了宝贵的经验,现在也献上了我的所有,我感觉我尽了责任。
再一次感谢blabo, year及各位为我解答过问题的飞友,谢谢!