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FORM1 表格1






Please give your education history - dates of study, where you studied and qualifications obtained. 请填写您的教育背景资料 – 学习时间、就学地点以及取得的学历文凭。

From September 2001 to July 2005Institution: XXUniversity of Science & Technology Address: Xianyang City, XX Province I won my University Diploma and Bachelor Degree on 1 July 2005.

Have there been any gaps in time between your last period of study and now? If so, please specify exactly what you have been doing in that time? 您最近一次的学习距今是否有间隔?如果是,请具体描述您在那段期间所做的事情。N/A

What documents have you provided to demonstrate what you have been doing during this gap in your studies (if applicable)? 您提供了什么材料来证明您在学习的间隔期间里所做的事情?(如适用)N/A

Why did you select your proposed course and how did you find out about it? 您为什么选择您计划的课程?您是如何了解到有关它的情况的?Affected by my father, I am interest in science even since I was a child. I like this subject very much, especially after I began my university life in school of Electrical & Electronic Engineering in XXUniversity of Science and Tecnology. My goal is to be a successful engineer with high respect & good incomes, but a university diploma is not competitive in my career development. Through Education Exhibition and internet, I get to know that the University of Sheffield is well known for its Msc program. Its school of Electrical & Electronic Engineering provides a Msc Control Systems course, which allows me to pursue my Msc degree in one year. I think it very suited to me since it can upgrade my professional knowledge in a very short period and it is not available in China.

Have you studied any relevant courses, if so what? What documents have you produced to demonstrate this? 您是否曾进行过任何相关课程的学习?如果有,是什么课程?您提供了哪些文件来证明这一点?Yes, I have learned many Control Systems-related subjects in my university years, for example, Principles of Automation Control, Digital Simulation and Electrical Control and PLC. I have attached my University Transcripts with my application kit for your reference.

How is your proposed course structured and what subjects will you follow on the course? 您计划就读的课程是如何设置安排的?您都将学习哪些科目?I will take part in a Residential Orientation programme commencing on 12 Sep 2005 and attend the Registration event commencing on 19 Sep 2005 and begin the Msc(Eng) in Control Systems Programme at the University of Sheffield from 26 Sep 2005 to Sep 2006. The programme covers the major aspects of control and systems engineering, which includes subjects like: Foundations of Control Systems, Predictive Control and Embedded Control Systems, etc.

What specific benefits will this course bring you? 您通过学习这个课程将取得哪些特殊收益?The programme matches my interest and work requirement. It will obviously benefit to my future career development. Firstly, I shall gain my Msc (Eng) degree in one year. Secondly, it prepares me a wider range of relevant knowledge and skills. And lastly, I can improve my English level remarkably.

Why have you chosen to study abroad? How does this course differ from similar courses available in China? 您为什么选择出国留学?这个课程与中国的类似课程有何区别?I decided to study abroad upon the following considerations: 1) Upon china’s WTO entry, companies or organizations are willing to employ all-around professionals. 2) UK Education has a long history in the world. Her Education System and Quality is well known, what’s more, UK is developed country and very beautiful.3) The programme I chosen will bring me Msc qualifications with improvement of my professional skills as well as English language level in a shorter period. It has more advantage is not available from in China.

Do you have relatives who have studied/are studying overseas? If so, please state where, what they are doing now and how they were funded? 您是否有亲属曾经/正在国外学习?如果有,请指出其就学地点,他们现正在从事什么工作?以及他们的留学费用是如何支付的?N/A

Please state the cost of your course per annum, the cost of your accommodation per annum, and living expenses per annum. Then, taking that into account, what will your total expenses be for the duration of your course? 请列出您课程每年的学费、住宿费以及生活费。然后,计算出您在此期间内课程所需的全部费用?Tuition fees: 11,800 pounds for Living Expenses: 7,300 pounds per year All cost occurred in the UK: 19,100 pounds EXCHANGED TO RMB 19,100 pounds x 15.20 =RMB 290,000.00My parents have prepared me RMB 300,000.00 as my Education Fund and have set aside RMB340,000.00 as a backup fund for my family.

What documents are you submitting from your proposed college to show how much your fees and living expenses will be? 您提供了哪些文件来证明您计划就读院校所需的学费和生活费金额?Please refer to the Official Offer from the University of Sheffield.

Who is your sponsor? How are you related to him/her? What is their occupation? What is their annual income? How many people are they financially responsible for? 谁是您的担保人?您和他/她是什么关系?他们是从事什么工作的?他们的年薪收入是多少?他们要在经济上对多少人担负责任?My parents are willing to support my study in UK. Both of my parents—LU Shanxing and TAN Qun are public servants in local government. Their total annual income is about RMB76,000.00. My parents are financially responsible for my family, three of us.

What documents are you submitting to show that your sponsor can afford to pay for your studies and living expenses in the UK? 您提供了哪些文件来证明您的担保人能支付您在英国的学习和生活费用?1) One original Deposit Receipts under my parent’s name with total principal of RMB300,000.00 valued in 2003 and 2004. 2) Original Income Certificates for my parents, which can demonstrate that he has a steady annual income of about RMB75,000.00 in total.3) Original Hukou for my parents and me.

What documents are you submitting to show how this money has been saved? 您提供了什么文件来证明这些资金是如何积蓄起来的?1) Original Bank Salary Books for my parents; 2) Original Payroll Statement for my father; 3) Original Deposit Receipts under my parents’ name valued in 2003 and 2004.

Is English your first language?英语是不是您的第一语言?No. My first language is Chinese.

If not, what qualifications do you have in English proficiency? If you have no such qualifications, please explain why not. 如果不是,您在英语熟练程度方面是否有资格证书?如果您没有任何资格证书,请解释原因。I took International English Language Testing System (IELTS) on 16 Apr 2005 with overall band score of 6. and I have a TOEFL test result of 597 valued in Nov 2004.

What documents are you submitting to demonstrate these qualifications? 您提供了哪些材料来证明您拥有这些资格证书?Please refer to the original IELTS & TOEFL Test Report Form attached.

Please specify exactly what you intend to do on completion of your proposed studies in the UK?请具体说明当您完成在英国所读课程后的下一步打算?Upon completion of Msc (Eng) Control Systems program at the University of Sheffield, I will return to China and develop career of my favor with what I learnt in UK.

Have you ever been refused a student visa to any other country? If so, why? 您是否曾被任何其他国家拒签过?如果是,为什么?N/A

Are you married? Do you have children? What brothers and sisters do you have? What are their ages? Where are they? What do they do?您结婚了吗?有孩子吗?您有什么兄弟姐妹?他们的年龄?他们现在何处?他们是从事什么工作的?I am unmarried. I have a younger sister born on 10 Sep 1989. She is a student of primary school.

Have you used an agent to help you prepare this application? If the answer is yes, please provide the name and address of the agent. 如你委托代理帮助您准备/申请资料,请注明代理机构(代理人)姓名及地址。N/A


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