请懂行的兄弟姐妹帮我看一下,我房间有扇落地窗户是固定不克不及关上的,比来天冷总感觉有风从那吹进来,因而就做了个小试验拍了视频,当接近玻璃脚时烟是向下吹得。 我把视频视频发给开发商,由于有十年保险,可他们回复说这是正常的空气活动,由于玻璃两边温差所酿成的。 我感觉这解释彻底是胡扯。
请大家帮我看看这视频,算不算是漏风? 假如是漏风,我该怎么样辩驳开发商? 十万分感激!!!!
风的造成是由于温度差酿成的气压差酿成的,这大落地窗保温机能对比差,窗子那里对比冷,房间对比热,所以有空气活动–风。开发商的责任就是窗子机能对比差,假如用A grade的窗子应该会好一些。
Just checked your video; it does look like there is a leak at the top of the window however its hard to tell whether it is from the ceiling void or from any gaps within the glazing.
In order to get building control compliance certificate, the flat has to pass air-tightness test (usually, but there are other ways not to do air tightness test). What this means is that a small amount of leakage is considered acceptable. The flat may have pass the test because EVERYWHERE else is tightly sealed except this location and thats why they have passed.
I would suggest you to forward the video to the developer as proof of leakage and what you want to tell them is that it is rain water ingress that you worried most because it could leak into the flat as well as leaking into the ceiling void or into the wall cavity and track back into the flat and cause damage to other fabric that cannot be easily fixed.
If you could post a picture of the outside wall showing where the window is that would be a bit more helpful; depending on the construction it may be a bit more obvious where the leakage starts from.
我家一窗户也是漏风,打去公司也是能不来修,他们就不想来,老公跟他们说了半天,才派人来,来了就拿胶涂了一下就完事了,请问你家是哪家公司的,我家是safe style的。