如果一个财年的收入小于 2500镑是否还要填 self assessment HMRC Form? 还有如果房客一次交清一年房租,是不是可以调整租金收入额度,平均到两个财年里? 比如3月出租的,我把一半的租金收入放入这个财年,谢谢大家
Annual untaxed income above £2500 needs to do self assessment. This income includes salary, rental, etc.
For renting, see how much you got from 2014.4.6 to 2015.4.5, this is the tax year, and how much you got from 2015.4.6 to 2016.4.5, revenue should be allocated according to tax year. If you let your property through agency, you cannot allocate the rental the way you want to save tax
谢啦,问题解决了, HM直接问的
2014-2015tax year 10000胖子以上才用填self assessment哦。不过网站上说2500胖子以上的不用填表,但是要联系HMRC,说实话我也觉得蛮诡异的。我online问了他们,他们说,10000胖子以下不要来找我们。。。