刚弄了一个 buy to let 的 flat 出租,碰到了漏水的麻烦。 今年 6 月分刚租出去,我的 flat 在三楼, 有一个main bathroom 和 一个en-suite, 通过letting agency 租出去的,用的是letting agency 的 full management.
事情是这样的, 此前没有被通知任何事情。
8月 26号, 整个楼房的管理公司 (代称 HG) 发邮件给我说: 你家en-suite可能漏水了, 楼下二楼en-suite被淹了, 楼下找了个 plumber 要求27号上午10:30去我们家查看一下, 要求有人access,邮件里还附带了8月24号25号楼下房东给他们的邮件,包括楼下房东拍的他家漏水的照片。 我于是通知租房中介,联系房客,下午五点多,房客回复说,明天会在那儿。 因为是Full Management, 我此前没有房客信息。当天拿到 房客电话后, 我问房客房间里有漏水么, 房客说没有漏水。
8月27号, 收到管理公司 邮件和电话 说是我们家漏水:“the Plumber has informed us that the leak is coming from the back of your shower and has carried out a repair. As the pipework is serving only your flat it is not the responsibility of the Managers to do anything more with drying out the flat etc. I am sure you will want to talk to your Managing Agents. It appears that the leak has been happening for some while”. 我当时在外地没能在场, 租房中介也没在场。 有我的房客,管理公司的site caretaker, 楼下的 plumber,还有谁就不太清楚了。楼下二楼房东潜力要求我去看一下,因为28号要上班, 我于是就约定了 29号上午去看,顺便还有一楼房东,因为他的 那个 ceiling有一点点潮痕 (看后说现在没什么事情,暂不用考虑)。中介公司说他们没法派人去,最快要after bank holiday.
8月29号 上午 9点, 看了一下自己的和楼下的房间,楼下房东的en-suite已经面目全非了, 全拆了,估计是看到是我们家漏水,想让我们修,然后全拆了。我照了照片。 据说是水是顺着连接楼上了的 waste pipe 流 下来的。 (图片1,2,3; 楼下二楼的 图片 )。 楼下房东说他8月20号就给管理公司说了漏水的事情。管理公司说他们的 site caretaker 去看过了, 没有过visible leak. 任何人在8月26号之前都没人给我提过这个事情。 我的租房中介也说不知道这事。
8月30, 31, bank holiday. 自己找了人来看,说看不出来我们家哪儿漏了,建议调查。楼下的房客给我们说他发现这个漏水已经一两个月了 ,给他们楼下房东说了,但一直拖着。 有一个plumber和我一起听到这句话。
然后就是邮件往来: 我问了管理公司很多问题,为什么这么晚才通知我,还有如果走保险,要怎么做?有没有时间限制 ?
管理公司 的回复:9月1号:1, We attended the flat last week in order to establish that there was a leak coming from your flat. We did ask if you or your letting agent could also attend. You need to view the flat yourself with your letting agent to establish what damage has been done and if there is a reason to make an insurance claim. The leak is not in a communal area and therefore not a communal responsibility. The leak has clearly been a problem for some time.
In order to make an insurance claim you need to get 2 quotes but if you let us know what action you are taking in conjunction with the other flats affected then we can inform the insurance brokers.
2, I would like to report to the insurance company about this case: 答复 has historically a bad insurance record and therefore each claim will increase the premium considerably and the amount of excess which this year was negotiated from £5000 to £1500. Just reporting the claim will lodge a claim so you need to be clear whether or not you are making a claim before we do this. The leak has obviously been happening for a while within the flat and could have been detected by yourself, your Letting Agents or your Tenant who was already aware of staining on the floor.
we take no responsibility nor do the Management Company for any losses at any time. You however may be held responsible for any increases in the insurance premium due to a claim in accordance with your Lease agreement.
3, Many thanks to the site caretaker who was in the flat on Thursday 26/August/2015 and took some photos. I request those photos and give me detailed information about what you or the plumber did that day. Where has the leak been found? Where did he do/repair? Are you 100% sure there is no other leakage?
答复 :We did suggest that you or your Agent attend at the time and you were emailed and personally telephoned. We took the time to tell everyone the The Plumber was engaged by the flat downstairs because the leak was penetrating into their flat. We understand that the Plumber did a repair but we are not responsible for making any repairs or further checking your flat. This responsibility is totally your own and if there are any doubts you should instruct your own contractor. We do not have the photographs as yet.
4, Why does it take so long to inform me about the leak? You need to ask your Tenant and the Tenant in number 13 why he did not inform us or knock on your flat door to inform your Tenant but perhaps they did? Your Tenant apparently noticed a stain on the floor but covered it with a carpet. The tenant in 13 Ropewalk Court tole me that he had noticed and reported the leak in his flat a couple of months ago ( witnessed by a plumber on 01/09/2015). If I had been informed earlier, the situation could have been totally different and the damage could be much less!
答复: We were informed ourselves only last week. The Caretaker, Julie, informed your Tenant that there was a leak appearing downstairs. We contacted all the occupants and Julie took time to visit your flat.
Your email seems to want to shift blame. We respond to all leak reports immediately as we did in this case. Your confirmation that the leak was reported some time ago confirms that this was ignored and therefore the damage is considerably more than it need have been.
9月2号,租房中介的contractor去看了, 私下聊了聊,建议找independent assessor, 说看不出哪儿漏的, 管理公司也还没给照片。 delay
现在是这样:到底是谁来负责修? 要真是我们家的水管坏了,估计是我要自己负责的。 可现在还牵扯到楼下, 楼下房东说是20号通知的管理公司, 管理公司也派人看了, 说没有看到漏水,然后 26号告诉我,27好说是我家漏水,看架势是让我出钱修。 那这些 damage 怎么算? 如果如 楼下房客所说一两个月前就发现了,这个delay怎么算呢? 走保险的话,看样子,管理公司不太愿意,还要挟我说如果保险费涨了,是我负责。 现在的excess 是 1500.
刚入当房东行列,就碰到了麻烦。 大家有什么建议么?求指点?
give me a call om 07920110710