Report看得好究诘, 列出来如下, 希望有高人指教问题严重么, fixed费用大约要多少?
1。 Side extension的roof有受潮的迹象:
E Outside the property
E2: Roof Coverings
Side extension flat roof cover replacement and timber decking check
3: The flat roof to the side extension is finished with mineral felt. The flat roof covering is of some age, with signs of deterioration, including indications of dampness to the timber decking, internally. Instruct a competent roofing decorator to lay a new covering. Together with any necessary repairs to the timber decking.
2。 外墙缺了airbricks:
E4: Main walls
Airbricks missing from front of property: risk of dry rot in timber floor
3: Where suspended timber construction is adopted at ground floor level, it is essential that the sub-floor void be adequately vented to the exterior in order to avoid the development of conditions conducive to an outbreak of rot in the floor timbers. The overall level of sub-floor ventilation is not considered to be adequate in relation to the area of suspended timber floor construction concerned and should ideally be upgraded to the equivalent of a 225 x 150mm (9 x 6”) airbrick per two linear metre (6ft x 6”) run of external walling. It is important that adequate vertical clearance be provided between sub-floor vents and adjacent ground or paving levels in order to avoid the risk of water entering the sub-floor cavity via this route. Where necessary, shallow wells should be excavated adjacent to the base of the vent, and back filled with gravel or pea shingle in order to facilitate drainage.
3。 Drainage土壤和出风口(?)破坏,需要换
G Services
G6: Drainage
3: The soil and vent pipe is damaged, and requires replacement
4。 这个是我最担心的问题: 后面,客厅和走廊都发现受潮, 应该有rising damp的问题, 需要找专业人士检查。 有5000镑的retention
J Risks
J1: Risks to the building
Damp checks: £5000 retention
Random checks for damp were made wherever possible using an electronic damp meter. Dampness was found to some areas of the rear through lounge, and in the entrance hall. Although, the inspection was restricted by radiators, furniture, and stored items. Where there are built in fitments such as kitchen fittings, dampness can be costly and inconvenient to rectify.
We therefore recommend that specialist contractors be instructed to inspect the property throughout for evidence of rising dampness, and provide reports/estimates in respect of any remedial works recommended. Obviously, only reputable specialists should be approached in this respect. Sub-floor timbers may be in intimate contact with the dampness referred to above. In addition sub-floor ventilation is also considered to be inadequate as previously discussed under Section E4. As a precautionary measure, we therefore recommend that specialist contractors should be instructed to inspect the property throughout for evidence of beetle infestation and rot, and to provide report/estimates in respect of any remedial works recommended. Again, only reputable specialists prepared to issue long-term guarantees underwritten by insurers should be approached in this respect. A retention of £5000 has been allowed for these works.
房子是30年代的Semi, 优点是跟同类型房子比起来面积大,顶高, 前院和花园比较大。 缺点是花园后有railway, 花园后有树隔着看不见, 中间隔着36米的花园。 现房主已经住了50年了, 很用心的打理房子和花园, 但装饰比较老套, 我们计划要重新装修的。 现在出现这么多问题是在我们预算范围外的, 不知道要怎么处理最好。。。 我们买房的过程很曲折, 在伦敦西南和东南看了快半年的房, 看了有百多套, 这个房子各方面来说算前三名, 另外两个是好几个月前的(一个因为我们房子买家出现问题, 一个因为卖家不守信用最终没买成, 浪费了好多时间)。 这个房子跟没买成的最喜欢的房子就隔着一个公园, 我们是第一个看房的, 考虑到我们时间紧并且房子刚上市, 出价比当时那个房子多了5K, 但比guide price低了10-35k。 卖家当时看中了自己的dream bungalow, 出乎意料的很快接受了offer。 但后来bungalow没买到, 卖家对那么快接受我们offer的价格不情愿了, 但是还是很守信用的继续把房子卖给我们。 如果再议价的话不知道是不是很不妥, 被接受的余地有多大。。。 能让卖家把这些问题了解决吗? 如果要自己花钱解决这些问题的话又觉得不划算, 然后也没有余钱用来装修了。 如果放弃的话, 首先不知道能不能找到比这个房子满意的, 另外现在是淡季, 再碰到满意的房子可能要等上3,4个月甚至更久, 并且需要租房子住一阵子。。。真的好纠结
花园后有railway —— 再卖的时候很多人会嫌弃吧?