如果你卖的房子是主要的居住地方,则卖时应该能免capital gains,看HMRC的描述:Assets liable to Capital Gains Tax Most assets - other than those covered above - are liable to Capital Gains Tax when you sell or dispose of them. This section lists some of these assets. It also outlines situations when you may not need to pay Capital Gains Tax, even though the asset is usually liable. Usually if you pay Income Tax on the gain or profit you make from disposing of an asset you won’t have to pay Capital Gains Tax on the gain too. For example, if you’re trading as a property dealer, jewellery maker or antiques dealer. If you’re unsure whether you should be paying Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax, please contact HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). Telephone or write to HMRC Property - including land, buildings and leases Most property is liable to Capital Gains Tax. You must work out the gain or loss if you sell or dispose of it. Types of property liable to Capital Gains Tax include: a second home a property that you’ve rented out business premises, such as a shop or a farm land, such as agricultural land However, if you sell your main home - even though the asset is liable to Capital Gains Tax - you may qualify for Private Residence Relief. This may mean there’s no tax to pay. link: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/cgt/intro/when-to-pay.htm
(1)借residential mortgage的问题:可以,没有问题,伦敦工作曼城生活或者伦敦生活曼城工作的人不少。
(2)CGT的问题,如果是你的main residence(一个人只能选择一个main residence)不需要交CGT。
只要有足够的能力证明有能力偿还房贷,就不用担心residential mortgage的问题。如果楼主有更多的问题可以咨询 英国豪邸地产 ——您的房产专家 ,咨询电话02072972283 欢迎来电咨询哦亲~