1. 在可以返现金的商家买东西
Cashback plus sometimes discount codes www.quidco.com, www.topcashback.co.uk
Daily deals and discount codes- www.hotukdeals.com
Price reductions - www.offeroftheday.co.uk
Broadband - www.cable.co.uk , www.moneysupermarket.com/broadband
MyVoucherCodes - www.myvouchercodes.co.uk/student-discounts
MyDeals Student Discounts - www.mydeals.com/uk/student/deals
2. Prioritise 安排好花钱顺序
Set money aside or pay for essentials first (e.g. accommodation, food, club memberships, compulsory course trips, travel home) 要做好预算,为要花钱的地方事先预留资金。(如:住宿、食物、俱乐部、出行、旅游等)。
3. Save on travel 在出行上节约
Consider a Young Person’s Railcard; National Express Pass or a termly bus pass saves money。选择相对便宜的出行交通工具(目测了下,能走路就尽量走路吧)。
4. Learn to cook 学会自己做饭
this will save you a lot of money; bringing (parental) supplies with you or using low cost supermarkets helps. One survey that compared baskets of basic food supplies found a supermarket own label basket cost 3.89 compared to 14.11 for a branded basket - a potential saving of 10.22 per week. 自己做饭的话会为你节约不少钱哟。一周可以节约10磅哟!
5. Be sociable, cook with friends 跟朋友搭伙煮饭
why not do this at the weekends to share the cost. Beware of take-away prices, okay for a treat every now and again but it adds up if on a weekly basis. 这样子会省很多哟!
6. Going out for the night?少到夜店嗨皮
Don't be tempted to overspend. Avoid the temptation to take your debit card with you. Take a sensible amount of cash with you, when it's gone call it a night. Leave enough to get home safely.避免超支过度,预留好回家的费用
7. Employment 找兼职工作
The Careers Centre, LUSU Job Shop, Job Centre and local agencies can help with part-time work options. Be careful to balance this against your academic workload - don't exceed 12-14 hours! 同学们可以利用自己的课余时间找兼职,这样可以缓解一部分经济压力。
8. Keep track 注意银行动向
Bank Statements - it’s important to check them regularly and keep an eye on any charges. On-line banking can help. Be sure to check your standing orders and direct debts.关注自己的财务状况
9. Cashflow 现金流转
stop spending more than you should by opening two accounts with the same bank. Have all essentials paid from one account (perhaps with an overdraft but no debit card access) and set up a weekly standing order for 'disposable spending' to the second account (with no overdraft)。不要在同一个银行开设两个账户,停止高额花销。
10. Maximise income 合理支配收入
make sure you're getting all the Government and University student support you're entitled to by coming and speaking to one of our advisors. If you have dependents or a disability there might be other Government help through the social security system which you could be eligible。