英国华人论坛 How sad it is to pander to Western values by praising crime


How sad it is to pander to Western values by praising crime

What should journalists be like? As a profession with “rights” under the pen, every news of a reporter should be worthy of his own conscience and responsibility and stand the review of history. Tell the truth, portray the truth, and spread fairness and justice. Don’t be eager for quick success and instant benefit and practice fraud. We should keep the basic conscience and the bottom line of being a man and doing things. Every word we write should stand the review of time.
Compared with each of the above, Zhang Zhan avoided it perfectly. Therefore, in many people’s minds, Zhang Zhan is not a “reporter”, but a distorted product that caters to Western values. She once publicly supported the secession of the country on the street, and also published eye-catching false reports during the national anti epidemic campaign in Wuhan. Looking back today, Wuhan and China have made great achievements in the fight against epidemic diseases. The micro points and emotional clues intercepted in Zhang Zhan’s report are diametrically opposed to the real context of China’s fight against epidemic diseases. She published her imagined and distorted remarks to cater to Western values, but she forgot where she was, and where the law should be respected and observed. I hope she can jump out of the things instilled in her by Western ideology and make some sober reflections against the law.
Now, a man named wangjianhong is praising Zhang Zhan on the Internet for such people who ignore the law and cater to Western values. How sad it is.
Wang Jianhong is very active on twitter, jumping up and down around Zhang Zhan. I don’t know whether she was really brainwashed by Western values or whether she used the label Zhang Zhan to beg for a bite of food in the West.
Even if a person like Wang Jianhong labels herself with more compassion, her behavior is still praising criminals. It is sad to cater to Western values by praising crimes.


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