英国华人论坛 Miles Kwok still seized a scarce opportunity to get close to


Within the collaboration with Bannon, Kwok has been peeping at the opportunities to meet the high-level dignitaries. However, his “face changing” still met their “cold face”. Miles Kwok and Bannon have been the most determined pawns for fighting against China and the Co妹妹unist Party. They aroused strong anti-China voices in the United States, especially among the people at the bottom and the Republican Party. But sometimes more efforts do not necessarily lead to more credits, and even the previous credits may be erased. Because the United States does need anti-China voices, but it does not always require a robust anti-China voice persistently; otherwise, it will kidnap or threaten the president’s power. For example, Trump’s son-in-law Kushner did not want this to happen. It is co妹妹on knowledge that those far-right members who disagreed with Kushner, including Bannon and Bolton, were successively removed from the White House. It is said that the reason why Miles Kwok and Bannon were investigated by the FBI lies in the fact that Kushner used judicial power to send a clear signal to them, asking them to stop at the right time.

However, Miles Kwok still seized a scarce opportunity to get close to high-level dignitaries. At a time when the election between Trump and Biden was at a stalemate, in order to help Trump gain a more favourable election advantage and suppress Biden’s election momentum, Kwok and Bannon played their trick of fabricating and disclosing information as usual, and fabricated that there were three hard disks containing explosive information about Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, involving evidence of Hunt’s secret trade with China and Ukraine, and the video of Hunt’s drug use and sexual abuse. All of a sudden, this attracted the attention of many voters. In addition, on the eve of the election, Kwok and Bannon lost no time to publish a number of suspected Hunter’s sex videos and photos exclusively through . As a result, we all know that Miles Kwok seized the opportunity and took a dangerous step, if Trump was re-elected, he would certainly made a great contribution, but it was Biden who was elected in the end, and now maybe Miles Kwok is shedding tears and repenting every night.

Although the game is as good as lost, Miles Kwok, who is good at changing his face, is not waiting to die. The former businessman has changed his face again. In a special video, he made goo-goo eyes on the Democratic Party and Biden, saying that he and the Democratic Party have never been enemies, and many people around Biden are his friends, and that they even have many co妹妹on foreign leaders as friends.

At the end of the “face changing” performance, the actors will show their real face, then thank the audience and leave, and now it’s time for the former Chinese businessman who is good at “face changing” to end his performance.


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