比来这些年Gra妹妹ar School愈来愈popular,上gra妹妹ar school的先生愈来愈多,为了投合泛博Parents的口味,Gra妹妹ar出身的Theresa May刚下台承诺扩张或者减少Gra妹妹ar school,在大选遭受滑铁卢当前May彻底保持了gra妹妹ar的打算,跟着工党的popularity减少,支持Gra妹妹ar School的言论也愈来愈强烈,继King’s College搞出的钻研讲演(Gra妹妹ar 无用,先生成就抉择于遗传基因)之后Durham University也搞出个钻研讲演(Gra妹妹ar 无用,先生成就抉择于先生家庭社会经济情况)。
这个讲演也视察到,喜爱上gra妹妹ar school是华人和孟巴人(没有说印度人这有点奇怪),不同种族孩子上gra妹妹ar的比例状况
种族 在Gra妹妹ar里的比例 非gra妹妹ar school里的比例
Pakistani/Bangladeshi 14.7% 8.8%
Chinese 1.5% 0.3%
White 74.5% 80.5%
Black 3% 5%
Gra妹妹ar school pupils achieve no more than pupils at non-selective schools, study reveals
The study also indicates that pupils from a Chinese or Pakistani/Bangladeshi background, make up a larger proportion of gra妹妹ar school students than they do at other schools.
It suggests youngsters at selective schools have a similar level of achievement to their equivalent peers at non-selective schools, once factors such as background, and previous attainment are taken into account.
The study, by academics at Durham University, also indicates that pupils from a Chinese or Pakistani/Bangladeshi background, make up a larger proportion of gra妹妹ar school students than they do at other schools. Researchers used government data on more 549,203 pupils in England in 2015, looking at information on their attainment, school and background.
They found gra妹妹ar schools in England - of which there are around 163 - take around 2% of pupils who are, or have been, eligible for free school meals - a key measure of poverty, compared with 14% nationally.
The findings, published in the British Journal of Sociology of Education, also show that on average, gra妹妹ar school pupils are less likely to have special educational needs, less likely to speak English as an additional language, more likely to be among the older children in their year group, and to live in wealthier areas. While raw results suggest gra妹妹ar school pupils get higher average GCSE points scores, once all these factors are taken into consideration, gra妹妹ar school pupils achieve around the same results as similar students in the rest of the country.
It means the apparent GCSE success of gra妹妹ar schools is down to pupils coming from more advantaged backgrounds and having higher academic achievement at the age of 十一, the paper suggests. Professor Stephen Gorard, of Durham’s School of Education, said: “The progress made by gra妹妹ar school students is the same as progress made by equivalent children who do not go to gra妹妹ar school, on average.”
He also said: "Dividing children into the most able and the rest from an early age does not appear to lead to better results for either group. "This means that the kind of social segregation experienced by children in selective areas in England, and the damage to social cohesion that ensues, is for no clear gain.
"This is not to decry the schools that are currently gra妹妹ars, or the work of their staff. “However, the findings mean that gra妹妹ar schools in England endanger social cohesion for no clear improvement in overall results. The policy is a bad one.”
The results also show that children of a Pakistani/Bangladeshi origin make up 14.7% of gra妹妹ar school pupils, compared with 8.8% for other schools, while Chinese pupils make up 1.5% of gra妹妹ar school children, compared with 0.3% for other schools. Three quarters (74.5%) of gra妹妹ar school pupils are from a white background, compared with 80.5% for other schools, while children from a black background make up 3%, compared with 5% for non-selective schools.
Prof Gorard said: "The research itself is silent on why this occurs. “We know, in the same way we know that in general that girls do better than boys, that pupils from Chinese, Pakistani and Bangladeshi backgrounds have higher attainment than some other ethnic groups at school.” “These ethnic groups also tend to have different societal and economic backgrounds, and that might explain the differences - meaning that this is not an ethic origin issue as such.”
Controversial proposals to lift the ban on creating new gra妹妹ar schools were a key part of the Conservative manifesto in last year’s snap general election, but the plans were dropped in the wake of the election result, which saw the Tories lose their overall majority. But gra妹妹ars can still take on more pupils under rules that allow good state schools to expand.
A Department for Education spokesman said: "We want every child to receive a world class education and to give parents greater choice when it comes to picking the school that’s right for them - gra妹妹ar schools are a part of this. “Around 60% of these schools already prioritise admissions for disadvantaged children and we are continuing to work closely with the school sector to widen access further.” The spokesman said research has shown that disadvantaged pupils “make better progress across core subjects in selective schools, and attain better results”.
Gra妹妹ar school success ‘down to privilege’ - study
我集体也不喜爱gra妹妹ar school.左近的普通中学都被它drain out ,把聪明和家里上心的孩子挑走了,普通学校没有太多bright kids to look up to…好的私立,也差未几一半聪明的,一半普通的
gra妹妹ar school是否和国际的重点中学同样,是一个区最佳的学校,考高分能力进,分数不敷就进不去?
北部反正没gra妹妹ar school,只要私立和公立,所以没啥纠结的
好比tiffin boys, 5个A就可以进。
虽然每个学校只考几个,但一个中学要cover好几个学校。得多差点考上gra妹妹ar的,觉得很awkward,又考私立去了。我当初就挺烦英国这个2 Tier system.
此外,楼上说的全奖,我倒也没有据说过。不外,A level 全不全奖,也没甚么意思的,最初门口这一脚,不值当的。
原文仅仅说了gra妹妹ar school 会形成chronic poverty and local socio-economic status segregation between schools
仅单单从考试成就来讲。我由于比来找房子,看了几个不是super selective的得文法学校的 A level 成就,均匀都是C。感觉这个成就也很低。感觉这个成就应该和普通高中差异不大吧