想把本人的小车卖掉 拿着卖掉的钱去买此外一辆价钱差未几的其余车 可我手里没有过剩的闲钱
假如我先卖车 再拿着卖车的钱 去买车 两头起码有几个星期我本人没车开 怎么破
假如我先买车 再卖车 可是手里一下子拿不出那末多钱 想买的车大略10k摆布…
就是trade in。
trade in(part exchange)不太值
dealer会在两方面吃你。 第一车辆自身压价,本人卖2500,deal也就给你1500. 第二dealer发售的车 个别最少能砍价500镑,你trade in根本就会丢失议价才能。
假如手头真实资金吃紧,能够斟酌短时间personal loan周转下。先把新车买了,而后缓缓卖旧车。
Though it is most convenient if you have found the perfect car to buy at a garage or dealership, you will get less than the book price (value) of the car and will also be paying more for the new car than its actually worth. No one ever gets a good deal when trading in or buying from a dealership. We all work to margins which means there has to be a minimum profit as it’s not worth it otherwise. The prices are shared between dealers and garages via black book and CAP valuations so it’s standard across the whole of the UK.
Warranty from a dealer for a second hand car is likely to only be three months and will have terms and conditions. This doesn’t mean if you have an issue with the brakes or tyres after four weeks the dealer will pay the full bill to replace. The warranty is there to cover you on major mechanical faults such as the engine, gearbox, clutch etc.
PCP deals are simply to rent the car for a period of time and then to either pay the final bubble payment at the end at which point you THEN own the car or simply to return it to the dealer and walk away. You do not own any part of the car until you pay the full outstanding amount. This is not a good option unless you want to drive a brand new highly depreciating car for two or 3 years and then return back. I’ve seen many people do this and pay over 20k + for two years of driving and then have nothing to show afterwards. It’s a thrill at first but then the reality hits home and at the end of the period you realise how much you spent and you could have got a car 3-4 years old, one owner, which would have been a much better deal.
买新车的话,不是有那种先付几千镑,签三年,月付199或299的吗,这个手里的钱够吗。假如不敷,也只要trade in了,便利快捷,就像楼上所说的,要末省钱花时间,要末便利多花钱,甘蔗没有中间甜。
没有闲钱,又想用车,只要去trade in,假如不是啥好车没须要计较trade in商家会给你多少钱,这年头黑也黑不了你多少,条件是多转几家,这边给车那边拿车,保险路税过后就能上,这是最便利快捷省事的
楼上说的personal loan来短时间应答一下现金缺口的计划很靠谱。这样你有时间卖车也无余地选车。10K的personal loan假如几个月就还款应该没有多少利息。这样比你part exchange要省不少。固然条件是你当初的车的车况还不错,出手不会很难题。
我家都是part ex,图省事由于我不懂车懒得去合计怎么最划算再尝试本人卖跟人扯来扯去,想一想就头大
我能够提供上门收车 价钱高于市场其余车商 同时也有现车可供选择