英国华人论坛 200名中国赴英托福考生联名信抗议英国移民局!


4月18日,笔者发布了一封来自英国移民局暂时移民办公室发给笔者的公家邮件,通知因为在英境内ETS考点中存在的替考问题,英国际政部(Home Office)、签证与移民局(UKVI)与ETS(美国教育考试办事核心)的合约已到期并将再也不续约,移民局将再也不抵赖托福以及托业言语成就。此语一出,哗然一片。


动静出来的这几天,笔者的微信像炸开了锅,接连收到大批中国先生的征询,标明他们对此政策行将带给本人的影响的耽忧,并拜托我帮忙他们进行法律维权。这些行将赴英的托福/托业考生,在微博上成立了“托福赴英维权者同盟”(http://www.weibo.com/u/5十一6857176),并地下联名致信ETS (美国教育考试办事核心)和UKVI(英国移民局),表白对此政策的抗议。函件内容如下:

A Joint Letter to UKVI

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are Chinese TOEFL test takers who have received offers from all kinds of universities in the UK. Recently, we are greatly worried and concerned about the event that the Home Office had decided not to extend SELT license with ETS, and TOEIC and TOEFL testing would no longer be offered for U.K. visa-granting purposes because of TOEIC testing fraud happened in the UK. If this policy treats all of innocent overseas TOEFL candidates equally without any discrimination, it may have a serious impact on our study abroad plan, disturb our life totally and even shatter our study dreams.

As we all know, British educational system with the history and development of several hundred years is famous for its high-quality education in the world. We regard UK as our first choice for its attractive British culture, diversified education processes, broad range of courses and incomputable world leading education institutions. However, now it seems that all of our eager expectation is becoming the pie in the sky. We feel disappointed and unacceptable for this policy because all of Chinese TOEFL test takers are disciplined without any fraud behaviors or illegal means and exert themselves for several months to obtain the high TOEFL scores. In China, the invigilation of TOEFL testing is very strict and the entire process is under the scrutiny of surveillance cam and several invigilators.

In addition, the previous fraud event occurred in the UK, so it is really unfair and unwise to refuse the innocent overseas TOEFL candidates. If UKVI no longer accepts TOEFL as a language test for visa, both the UK and overseas students will suffer from significant losses. Taking a postgraduate student as an example, the total expenditure in the UK will be 30,000-40,000 pounds per year, including tuition fees and life expenses. So far, we have confirmed that there are more than 2,000 Chinese students with the TOEFL to apply for the universities in the UK. Therefore, UK may lose 60-80 millions of pounds per year. There are also many students affected by the measure in other countries. Due to the time issues, they may not have enough time to take alternative test, and have to turn to the application of other countries. Therefore, UK will suffer from enormous economic losses around several ten million pounds or even more for this action. UK will even lose lots of human resources and economic losses. The losses mentioned above are just the short-term. It is predictable that losses in the future will be even more. The reason why we choose UK is that we all believe the UK has a good reputation in the long history. We all don’t want to see its reputation or image damaged by this affair.

Furthermore, in February, ETS and UKBA had claimed firmly that fraud event would not influence the TOEFL test takers overseas to utilize the TOEFL for U.K. visa-granting purposes on the websites. Thus, most of us have booked our acco妹妹odations and flight tickets, paid for the deposit and even the tuition fee for our language courses. But now you declare this policy suddenly. We deem it shows your sheer irresponsibility. Even, it is the graduation season in China now, so most of us have no time to prepare for IELTS or PTE. What’s worse, IELTS test is one of the most competitive tests in China, so it is difficult for us to get a test place in the short period.

We trust you may try to understand our situation and provide reasonable measures to help us! We look forward to your timely reply.

With kindest regards.

Nearly 200 victims of Chinese TOEFL candidates

22nd April, 2014







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