二手07年的mini cooper s手动挡, 买来一个多月, 昨天开始, 在减速的时分觉得是发起机驾驶这侧有甚么货色在磨擦的声响,大略转速上2K以上就有这个响动了,oil service 大略是1年3个月前做的, 想知道下是大略是甚么缘故呢, 车场买的,发起机这些中心部件还在保修期,
我本人刚开始开手动档, 可能踩离合习气欠好, 有时上坡怕溜就离合油门一同踩 收回很大声,不外也就2-3次, 会不会离合片烧的不行了?还有次换挡 挂3档没挂上 挂到1档 会不会齿轮打掉了?多谢
明天早上冷车也是响 但跑了大略2mile后就不响了
怠速的时分是正常的 就是从冷车启动到跑热的进程转速高一点就响 在驾驶员这测觉得甚么货色在磨擦的觉得
明天去mini 4s店去做反省 说是timing chain 有问题 原本我的车刚买不到3个月在保修期下 我明天分割卖我的车场, 这么回我的邮件
Reference our telephone conversation just to confirm neither the front tyres or the replacement timing chain is covered under the 3 month driver guarantee on your vehicle.
As discussed if you want to carry out the replacement of your timing chain to remove the noise as a gesture of good will we would happy to make a contribution. We also advise you to get a quote from an independent garage for the timing chain replacement and the front tyres as you could make a large saving on the prices quoted by the Mini main dealer.
附件是mini 4s店的反省讲演 4S店在换timing chain 要825磅 当初假如不克不及保修的话 去garage换个别要多少钱 谢谢大家
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我跟卖我的车场又沟通了下 他们说timing chain在保修规模 然而必需是要车不克不及开了 才给换 这个理由充沛吗 我需求跟他们再实践吗
If tread depth is more than 1.6妹妹, there is no need to replace the tyre. Your car does need to go through a wheel alignment adjust or at least front wheel tracking adjustment. Wheel alignment costs about 100 pounds, tracking around 20 quids. You need to top up your engine oil.
Timing chain should last lifespan of your engine, but when it does rattle, it is a big one to do. It is like changing timing belt on other engines, which cost from £180 to £1000 depends on cars. Audi is the worst. Do negotiate with Mini, they are quite good when it comes to a big repair and normally will offer your a hefty discount, which happened to me a few times back in the old days. Get quote from different local Mini dealers including independent dealers, and you will have a better idea how much it actually costs and go back to Mini and try to beat them down on price with the best quote you have.
mini的timing chain的问题,07年当前的mini上挺常见的。等你更新后果,我的是mini one,目前还好,冷车的时分也很响。。
我的07年mini cooper换过timing chain guide, 过后main dealer要1800,起初去了个小车场说200 但他又说没工具搞不了,最初在一个稍大点的车厂花了500,其实楼主假如能够分割卖你车的车场帮助换 能够ebay买timing chain 套件 包罗guide 大略100 main dealer太坑
还有 假如你只换timing chain,新的链条和旧的齿轮在一同会欠好兼容,容易跳齿,最佳连齿轮换