Blu,Ray,High-Def,Video,Better, technology Blu Ray High-Def Video - A Better Movie Night at Home

Active shredder safety technology for the small office. Shreds 15sheets per pass into 5/32" x 1-1/2" cross-cut particles (Security Level3). Patented SafeSense® Technology stops shredding when hands touch thepaper opening. Designated shredde The electronic cigarette is not new. People who buy electronic cigarette knows that this product has been in the market for years now. Despite some sectors apparently trying to shoot the product down from the shelves, the popularity of elect

Have you ever visited a friend who had a hometheater system and wondered how you could ever go home to your regularTV set up? Well you are not alone. Technological advances have reallypropelled home movie night into an entirely different experience. Withlarge screens, high definition and surround sound who needs or wants topay $15 for theater ticket, when you can have the same experience whilerelaxing on your couch with a big tub of popcorn that does not cost you$10! With the economy in turmoil many people just do not have thebudget for expensive nights out for the family and home entertainmentis one of the best and most viable options to alleviate those budgetblues. And, those who cannot afford the full home theater setup canstill enjoy great movies in high-def with Blu Ray high definition videotechnology. What is Blu Ray? Blu Ray is now thestandard for high definition video and all new releases of movies andblockbusters are being released in this format. While for sometimeToshiba battled Blu Ray to become the standard with their HD-DVDformat, that battle was lost and all studios, and major retailers ofmovies, such as Netflix, Blockbuster, Wal Mart and Best Buy are nowusing Blu Ray as the standard for high def. The Blu Ray diskis named after the blue color laser that is used to create the disk.This format of disk is much hardier than DVD disks, and does notdegrade or scratch as easily as DVD disks and so they last a lotlonger. The crisp picture quality and high resolution provides for thebest in high-def viewing with clear and vivid picture quality as wellas high quality sound. Blu Ray Players Blu Ray playerscome in many different models with various price tags. They havefeatures far beyond that of DVD players. First, of course is thebenefit of high-def, but besides that there is Bonus View and BD-Live,which many players come with. Bonus View The Bonus View features plays back picture-in-picture content, which allows for a second video and audio stream. BD-LiveBD-live supports Internet-connected activities such as socialnetworking and interactive gaming as long as there is an Ethernetconnection to the player. This is also great for streaming moviesdirectly to the player from video services like Netflix. Another benefit is that DVD disks are compatible with and can be playedon Blu Ray players, so your entire movie collection need not bereplaced. Article Tags: Movie Night, High Definition, Bonus View



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