Copy,Success,Copy,Success,Don, marketing Copy Success
Automation technologies represent a fundamental aspect of any modern industry. The major types of industrial automation solutions, such as DCS, PLC, SCADA, and MES, are used on a large-scale in process and discrete industries.DCS technologie Awhile ago, I got an email from one of the "gurus" I follow and it shocked me. The gist of it was this person wanted to trade services for a household item.To say it floored me would be an understatement.What was worse was a few days later t
Copy Success!Don't be ashamed to bea "Copycat".Most everything that is worthwhile today is an approximate copy of something that camebefore it.Examine the sales materials of your competitors and notice what is selling for them, then copy it. There is nothing illegalabout this. If something is selling for the other guy, then that same "something" should sell just as well for you, all other factors being equal. However you must recognize that when too may people try to sell the same product, using the same advertising tactics, etc., a vicious competitive circle oftendevelops. Therefore you should vary your programs just enough so that you are not locked into such a situation.When you examine the program or product of your competitor, payparticular attention to any weaknesses, then when you "copy" ityou can make yours superior.What your are really doing is copying a successful idea and making your product or service better than the original put out by your competitor.Since most people will not necessarily switch from one product to another unless they have a good reason, such as price or quality, they will purchase your product only when they think it is better priced or is superior. By making a small change inthe right direction in your "Copy" you can capture the market. So remember both sides of the "Copycat" equation... find out what others are selling successfully and how they areaccomplishing it, then be slightly different in compiling and selling your own products or programs. If you can convince people that you are the exclusive source for a particularproduct or piece of information, they will be looking towardyou, not your competitor.Andrew ClacyFor More Information about Copy Success, Article Tags: Copy Success