Employment,insurance,benefits, law Employment insurance benefits in Canada
When you work with an attorney, you will have no problem reducing the risks associated with getting your case in front of a judge and jury, or other formal court, when you need to. However, every case is different. It is important to work wi Bankruptcy is a situation, wherein an individual is termed as unable to discharge all the debts. When a person or a company is not able to pay off its creditors, it has an obligation to file a bankruptcy suit. In fact, a bankruptcy suit is a
It is great to know that a Canadianwho has lost his job is protected by the Employment Insurance, a federalprogram that provides financial assistance to citizens who have lost theirjobs. This program is governed by theEmployment Insurance Act R.S. 1996 c. 23, and run by Human Resources and SkillsDevelopment Canada (HRSDC). It is similar to other insurance types, during yourwork you need to pay premiums to be entitled to benefits. They are related sothe more you pay the more you get. There is also a certain number of rulesand limitations for the Employment Insurance. To qualify for the EI you need tofit three conditions: your work is classified as insurable; you worked acertain number of hours; it was not your fault that you lost your job. As forthe first condition almost all the jobs in Canada are insured except for: workfor a province government or a government of a foreign country, work for afamily member, work for a company of which you are a large shareholder, work onan entirely casual basis. As for the second condition there is a certainqualifying period which is the time since your last EI claim or 52 weeks,whichever is shorter. This number varies from province to province, be sure tocheck it before you qualify. The third condition is the cause for your workloss. You can receive EI only if you lost your job for a reason beyond yourcontrol (f.e. a shortage of work in your field or shortage of work in yourfield). If you quit your job without cause or you were fired for misconduct.Usually this condition is checked in your Record of Employment. As for the benefits they are alsolimited by a strict number of rules. The payments begin right after the claimand are related to your income through your insurance payments. The Act setsthe maximum benefit as 55% of your insurable earnings. Also the person canqualify for maternity, child care, compassionate care, and sick leave benefits.There are also a number of conditions that can lead to a loss of the payments.You are paid only for the days when you were capable and available for work, novacations, no holidays. You must attend special programs of the HRSDC, if youdont you will be disqualified from benefits. Section 27 of the Act also statesthat during the payment period you are obligated to seek employment. If youfail to accept apply for suitable work or refuse and an offer of suitableCanadian employment, the payments will be ceased. Still if the offeredemployment had lower wage or less favorable conditions than your previousemployment it is not considered a suitable employment. As all most of the legal spheres theEI sphere also has its appeals and appeal even more than one time. At first youmay appeal within 30 days to the Board of Referees under s. 114, if you are notsatisfied with the decision you may appeal to an Umpire (usually a FederalCourt Judge) within 60 days of the decision. For more information regarding Vancouveraccident lawyers, Employment insurance, Vancouveremployment lawyers and Attorney pleasevisit: www.lawyerahead.ca