Progressive,Insurance,Offers,F finance, share, loan Progressive Insurance Offers a Few Unique Policies
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If you have Progressive insurance, you may be surprised by all the options available to you. You probably have at least the minimum coverage, and you may even have additional coverage that has been recommended to you. However, there are some plans that you may have never heard of, yet they may really help you. Get to know the basics on a few of them, and then talk to your agent to find out whether you should add them to your policy. You may find that some options are already built in. One helpful addition is rental reimbursement, which means that if you need to get a rental car as a result of your vehicle being stolen, totaled, or damaged, you can get some money toward the fees you will pay. Of course, there is a daily limit of what your Progressive insurance policy will pay toward the rental car, so be sure to find out before choosing one. If you get the smallest, cheapest one available, you will likely pay little each day, while renting a large or expensive vehicle means that you will pay more out of pocket. Either way, though, you will pay less for a rental vehicle with this coverage than you would without it, so consider it in order to give yourself some consolation if something unfortunate happens to your automobile. You can also pay to have roadside assistance added to your policy. If your battery dies, you lock yourself out of the car, or you run out of gas, you can call this company to have someone sent out right away to help you. Considering that most people have at least one of these incidents happen to them every few years, or even a few times per year, it is often a good idea to get this coverage. It also covers flat tires, as well as help getting out of the snow, mud or other issues that may trap your auto. Additionally, your automobile will be towed to a nearby repair shop when it breaks downs on the side of the road. If you do not have roadside assistance from any other companies, and you do not have anyone you could call who could immediately come to your aid on the side of the road, it is a good idea to add this plan. Another type of coverage that you might not think of is a pet injury policy, but you do not have to pay extra for it since this is included in collision policies. This means that if you have Progressive insurance and your pet is injured during an accident in your car, you can get their vet bills paid for, or at least up to $1000. The plan extends to your family members pets if they live with you. Thus, if your dog or cat is injured while riding in your vehicle, you don't have to worry about paying extra to cover their vet bills. Contact your agent if you have Progressive insurance and want to know which policies are available to you, and which you already have by default. You may be pleasantly surprised by the answers you get.