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In the last few years the Internet has provided consumers with many luxuries that people could never have imagined 20 years ago. From purchasing products to managing a stock portfolio to having a live meeting it can all be done over the web. This is also true when it comes to becoming insured. Individuals can now find cheap auto insurance on the Internet from wherever they like whenever they like. This eliminates the old methods of having to contact various agents or companies and/or having to drive down to offices only to find out there is a client ahead of you or getting the old bait and switch technique. With the help of a reputable website one can fill out a form provided and upon submission they will be provided with multiple quotations which they can compare from. Receiving multiple rates can be done in the less than five minutes which would be impossible by way of the old methods. Once a rate is found from a company that one wishes to do business with, the individual can go forth and complete the transaction with the guidance of the website. The ability to buy auto insurance online is done through the use of electronic signatures and payment. Once complete the consumer is insured and can receive proof instantly through their e-mail or fax. This whole process can be complete in less than twenty minutes and by far is the most convenient way to be covered. Article Tags: Cheap Auto Insurance, Auto Insurance Online, Cheap Auto, Auto Insurance, Insurance Online