标签:Potty - 英国华人论坛


对于Potty Training

宝宝快10个月了,打算让她本人学着坐着便便了.钻研了得多,最初有两个不错的选择,请有教训的妈妈给点倡议或是其余保举,谢谢拉. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fisher-Price-Precious-Planet-Froggy-Friend/dp...英国华人论坛


求助!2岁2个月男孩怎么potty training



刚开始potty training很顺利,然而接上去应

我家妞9月份就两岁了,打算送幼儿园,她外婆奶奶天天都叫我能够训练脱掉尿片,所以趁着天气好我开始potty training,正好一周了,成果不错,彻底知道要在potty尿拉,虽然有时分来不...英国华人论坛


Potty 和刷牙问题

大家好,potty想买给15个月的宝宝应该买那种?还有刷牙问题,何时开始刷?保举个牙膏牙刷呗,甚么也不懂,费事大家了。谢谢。 回帖 那种像座便似的马桶很好用,不外这也看宝宝的...英国华人论坛



大家好,我家儿子3岁,正在potty training, 一周多了,大部份状况都能到potty上尿尿,还算顺利。然而有个问题很困扰,也让他很frustrated, 就是常常会尿到里面去,裤子又全湿了。我视察了...英国华人论坛


求教有教训妈妈: 宝宝不喜爱坐Potty怎么办

我家女儿曾经两岁5个月大了,这周刚开始Potty training,给她买了个小马桶外形的Potty,第一天她很喜爱,每隔一阵子就座下来,但陈腐劲一过,当初每次问她要不要上厕所她都不肯意坐...英国华人论坛





请问Potty Training 外出时 解决方法

妈妈们,我家孩子正在potty training,目前只坐potty不坐toilet seat 当初出门还给他穿尿布,然而显著他要尿的时分,会夹腿说,要尿尿,而后等几秒钟看我没带他去potty (里头也没有啊)就...英国华人论坛


大家宝宝都是何时谈话 和 Potty Training 呢

如题。 妈妈们都来讲一下吧! 我儿子11个月,前几个礼拜还会时时蹦出 爸爸巴巴爸。。。妈妈妈妈吗。。。的声响,比来怎的都不怎么喊了,让他喊妈妈也不喊了,瓜拉瓜啦嘟囔些其...英国华人论坛


Potty Training Problems – Everything That Can Test

It can be a real testing time forparents when you start potty trainingyour toddler. No matter how much you want to handle it softly and lovinglythere may be times that you may run out of patience and end up giving up. Wellnot now. Read along...英国华人论坛


How To Really Get Potty Training Accomplished

Potty training can be a process of trial and error. It can be both exciting and quite frustrating. Rest assured, eventually your child will be potty trained. There are very few teenagers running around in diapers! That being said, there are...英国华人论坛


Quick Tips about how to Potty Train Your Dog

Did you know that the top reason dogs find themselves in your dog shelter is deficiency of proper house breaking? House breaking is incredibly crucial and really should be established as soon as one gets to be a puppy. House breaking include...英国华人论坛


Some Essential Tips on How to Potty Train a Toddler

Toddler potty training may not always be a smooth task for parents. But it is important that once your child is physically and mentally grown up, he should be given toilet trainings. Many times it is seen that parents are unaware about when...英国华人论坛


Potty Training Tips for both Parent and Child

Potty training can be a difficult experience for both parent and child.  When done correctly, it can be a moment in time that is looked at as a blessing.  The child feels like a 'big kid', the parent gets out of buying diapers!  But, when...英国华人论坛


The Stage of Potty Training

The stage of potty training is a hard thing for both parents most especially with working parents. They wanted their kids to leave the old diaper days as soon as possible. But it is not the parents' decision when the training begins. Speedin...英国华人论坛


Raedy for Potty Training

Aren't we all anxious about the idea when really will our child be ready for potty training? Unfortunately, you as parent cannot just hasten the process. Learn from your child, observe him. And when the child is willing and ready, he will de...英国华人论坛


Taking the First Steps of Potty Training

Can your child pull his pants up and down? Or is he inquisitive enough to ask questions what are you doing in the toilet? Then, chances are she is ready for the potty training.When starting out, it is imperative to carefully take into accoun...英国华人论坛


Heard of the Fastest Method to Potty Training?

Every parent wants an easy and straightforward plan to potty training. While there is no assurance for any method, the Dr. Phil Potty Method may be a successful way to ready your child to the bathroom on her own.Start by purchasing a doll th...英国华人论坛


Have Fun with Potty Training

A few creative tactics can turn the potty training from a struggle to a walk in the park!Potty training can be a challenge, especially with your first child. But it should also be a fun and exciting experience for both you and your child.Tak...英国华人论坛


No Non-sense Potty Training

Is the potty training process taking longer than expected? But are you and your child really ready for the toilet training?Potty training can be a very difficult task for parents and their toddlers alike. Learn what to avoid with the process...英国华人论坛


Potty Training Tips for Boys

Want to know the most convenient way to get your boys out of diaper? This question comes along when your boy would brag that he wants to be a little man yet cannot even go to the toilet on his own.First off, never start toilet training until...英国华人论坛


One-day Dr. Phil Potty Training

There are a lot of methods for potty training; one that is worth taking into account is Dr. Phil's technique. Make a start by getting an anatomically correct doll. This will set as the example for your child. This technique takes into accoun...英国华人论坛


Parenting Tip Toddler Potty Training

Starting potty training is just an easy part. The difficult one is dealing with it successfully so that the end result would please both the parent and the child. To be successful with the potty training process, here are parenting tips for...英国华人论坛


Tricks to Faster Potty Training

Training your child to use the toilet on their own can be a very hard task for new parents. It is important for a child to learn how to use the bathroom once he/she is old enough, and before he/she needs to go to school. There are many diffe...英国华人论坛


Potty Training Your Toddler Child

There comes a time in every parent's life when they must potty train their toddler. This task can be somewhat of a nightmare because toddlers are often known for their strong will to do the opposite of what their parents want them to do. Toi...英国华人论坛


Potty Train Kids: Toilet Training Tips That Help To

More often than not, a kid who’s at least eighteen months in age will begin showing signs of readiness to use the potty. Some kids, however, may have to be 2 years – 3 years old before they display signals of being ready to be potty traine...英国华人论坛


Guide to Basic Potty Training or Teaching

Potty training can be dreaded by many parents, especially if it is their first child. Parents should know that it is not to be dreaded but celebrated. It is an exciting milestone that will give the child self confidence and make them feel li...英国华人论坛


How to Potty Train a Toddler

Patience is the key here. The pace at which a toilet-training program progresses is decided to a large extent by the toddler; rushing the baby or getting exasperated will only set you back. If a child reaches a stage where it is exhibiting a...英国华人论坛


When Do I Start Potty Training My Child?

It may so happen that you try to teach your child to use the potty when he is even younger than eighteen months and he may respond to the training – that’s great. Conversely if your baby boy or girl does not seem too interested in learning...英国华人论坛


Tips to Potty Train Your Boy

Start with the potty training at an appropriate age; the right age is between eighteen and twenty-four months. You don’t want your boy to get too comfortable with using the diapers and then getting cleaned afterwards. Pediatricians recommen...英国华人论坛


Discover How to Make Potty Training Toddlers Easy

The key to successfully training your toddler in the use of a potty is to begin at the right time. Some kids may start showing signs that they are ready by the time they are 18 months old while some may reach that stage of maturity at the ag...英国华人论坛


Potty Training Twins - Best Tips on How to Potty Tr

Kids learn through imitation, and herein lies a great opportunity for you to motivate your kids by giving one the example of other. It works. You begin by having the facts with you, once you know what to do you can go about it systematically...英国华人论坛


Free Tips for Potty Training Girls

One of the many good things with having a sweet little girl is that they are easier to potty train. Generally, they get ready earlier than boys for training and respond faster to instructions. Your job becomes that much easier.Your little gi...英国华人论坛


What is the Right Age for Potty Training

Potty training usually begins when a child is around 18 months of age. This is because by this time the child has acquired a level of bowel and bladder control that allows it to remain dry for extended periods. Also, it is able to understand...英国华人论坛


Tips on Potty Training and Switching From Crib To B

Your child is ready for potty training. He or she has decided to ditch the diapers and start wearing either pull-ups or underwear. Children love to imitate their parents, which is why potty training doesn't have to be all that difficult. Wit...英国华人论坛


How to Potty Train a Child in One Day

Of course, in defense of these long duration potty training programs it must be said that they can be commenced earlier and are usually much more thorough in inculcating the habit of independent potty use in toddlers.By the time a child is t...英国华人论坛


Discover Potty Training Systems

Your child will enjoy a more relaxed and active lifestyle once he learns how to use the potty; this is particularly important for children that reach school-going age.Look up different potty training systems and then go with the one that you...英国华人论坛


Having Trouble Potty Training Your Child?

Look up online resources that carry information on specifics of how to deal with trouble scenarios when potty training your child. Be prepared, so that you don't feel helpless if a situation does arise.Here are some scenarios that can potent...英国华人论坛


How to Deal with Late Potty Training

Often an avoidable delay in potty training occurs because parents did not take up the issue early on. When this happens, the child can get into a comfort zone with diaper use and may be a little resistance to let go of his diaper dependence....英国华人论坛


Potty Training - To Train or not to Train?

I have always found the notion of toilet training a toddler to be a bit much. I didn't feel right about pushing my girls to do something I felt would eventually come naturally. At three years old, both my girls were potty trained ... not bec...英国华人论坛


Creative Potty Training

First, make sure your child is ready for potty training, shows interest, wants "big kids pants" etc. If they show no signs of readiness, it may be best to let them mature a bit more. Make this a game, make it fun and you will not run into st...英国华人论坛


Potty Training: Are You Ready to Go Public?

Youve done a lot of the hard work and potty training is now going well. To get things running smoothly youve been staying home and its been working. Youve got a good system happening between the two of you and there have been relatively few...英国华人论坛


Free Potty Training Tip: Advice to Help Your Child'

Potty training is a challenge because, if you think about it, the idea of using a toilet for waste management is a rather abstract concept. To adults, this may seem like a simple task that requires no more thought than walking or breathing b...英国华人论坛


Is A Potty Seat Essential For Toilet Training?

Deciding when and how to potty train your child can be an arduous task for parents. Especially if this is the first child, parents have to decide how to go about it, how to do it, and how to deal with problems. A potty seat may be the ideal...英国华人论坛


How do I know if my Child is Ready to be Potty Tra

Well, as they say, if I knew the answer to this question and I could apply it to every child, I’d be rich! The simple answer is there no simple answer that can be applied universally. However, based on our extensive research and experience...英国华人论坛


Know the Levels of Potty Patch and Which Level Are

Potty patch does not simply enter being. Much like any training, this likewise needs some sort of levels or efforts in order to lug it out. Below we note the 3 leves of toilet patch. After reading, you can determine for yourself which level...英国华人论坛


How To Potty Train Puppies

One of the most simple and easy methods to bathroom train young puppies is to essentially provide cautious factor to consider and look to signs. Confirm your puppy is reliably where you can see him. You might need to use youngster doors or c...英国华人论坛


Essentials on Ways to Potty Traing Young puppy

Young puppies are cute to every sane eye and an innocent animal of nature, but when this charming animal poops and pees everywhere in your house it aggravates a lot and could not be appropriate. For that reason, there is a need to understand...英国华人论坛


Lessons in Potty Training

Diapers have been fattening my grocery bills for two years. I was getting quite desperate. A friend suggested to me that using potty treats to reward my daughter might work. To bribe my toddler I placed a small container of candies in the ba...英国华人论坛