鸣人 回帖 佐助鸣人 回帖 我爱罗 回帖 回帖 孙悟饭 回帖 美奼女兵士 回帖 回帖 阿拉蕾 回帖 天使 回帖 (嘿嘿…见识少,U友们引见下) 回帖 (嘿嘿…见识少,U友们引见下) 回帖 犬夜...英国华人论坛
鸣人 回帖 佐助鸣人 回帖 我爱罗 回帖 回帖 孙悟饭 回帖 美奼女兵士 回帖 回帖 阿拉蕾 回帖 天使 回帖 (嘿嘿…见识少,U友们引见下) 回帖 (嘿嘿…见识少,U友们引见下) 回帖 犬夜...英国华人论坛
回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 回帖 好可恶的孩子哎 回帖...英国华人论坛
Cosplay costume always make cosplay parties more special so now a day parents of small kids who use to go in cosplay parties are taking keen interest in design of cosplay costume for their kids. These cosplay costume are making cosplay parti...英国华人论坛
Theres no denying that animecharacters are incredibly cute, beautiful, and handsome. Disproportional their facial features andbody builds may be, theyre still magnificently good looking. In fact, its probably these imperfections th...英国华人论坛
To satisfy this desire they imitate the character by wearing costumes like Cosplay costumes. Birthday parties and costume parties are the perfect occasions in wearing Cosplay costumes. Picking the right choice of Cosplay costumes is importan...英国华人论坛
Cosplay is becoming trendy and going from the fringes of society to mainstream. Popularity of this imaginary state of play is increasing rapidly. All over the world there are members that engage in this activity. However, in no other place b...英国华人论坛
Cosplay is atype of performance art where the actors and actresses put on their cosplay costume andact out their part. Cosplay is supposed to have originated in Japan whenNobuyuki Takahashi used the word for the first time in about 1983. T...英国华人论坛
Kids and teenagers want to get the look of their favorite character whatever it is at any cost so this kind of cosplay costume is famous among kids and teenagers both. In Halloween parties so many kids and teenagers can be found wearing thes...英国华人论坛
All through ourlives we always want to be unique. Sometimes we are given the allowance ofacting like someone else. This is during costume parties. During costume parties'people wear Cosplay costume, which identify them as a fan of a certain...英国华人论坛
Although the cosplay activity is attached to the generation and development of animation and game industry, it has already had a separate manifestations and characteristics. For the analysis on the characteristics of Cosplay activities, we c...英国华人论坛
MCMcomic con【COSPLAY】 回帖 警察叔叔好配合啊 回帖 兄弟你的焦点真的有问题,抗锤子那个明显焦平面在锤子上,脸都虚化了,你试试小光圈高ISO,别追求虚化效果,基本功练不好再好的...英国华人论坛