标签:Podcas - 英国华人论坛


7 Steps to Creating Your Own Podcast

Listening to podcasts isn't something I enjoy or take time for, quite frankly. I'm a visual learner and prefer to read something rather than listen to it, as I find reading a much quicker way to gather the info that I need. However, with the...英国华人论坛


Is Your Church Social? Part 17 – Podcasts – What

We’ve been looking at various elements of the social media.  So far we’ve discussed video sharing on sites like YouTube, and Social Networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.  Now I want to get all high-tech on you.  It’s not really a...英国华人论坛


Is Your Church Social? Part 19 – Podcasts – Kinds

We’ve talked about what a podcast is and some reasons why podcasting isrelevant for churches, but what exactly should your church do for apodcast. There isn’t one specific answer. Every church has its ownidentity, its own strengths and wea...英国华人论坛


Is Your Church Social? Part 20 – Podcasts – Plann

In my last article we talked about some of the different kinds ofpodcasts your church may want to consider. The sermon and Bible classpodcasts are pretty straight forward in terms of content and how to dothem (though I’ll give some tips in...英国华人论坛


Is Your Church Social? Part 21 – Podcasts – Produ

Last week we talked about how to plan for your studio podcast.Hopefully, you’ve figured out what you want to do, who you are doing itfor, and what you hope to accomplish with the podcast. Now, let’s lookat the actually production of the po...英国华人论坛