标签:Petition - 英国华人论坛


Petition:allow parents to take children out of scho

应该没戏,不外为了表白一下意见,我签了。 想签名请愿的查链接 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/231928 回帖 好像带出去玩要坐牢 回帖 回帖 学校那末多假,足够出去玩的了,何苦非要...英国华人论坛


Petition for Invoking Article 50 of The Lisbon Trea

https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/133618 回帖 你是啥用意,这对咱们都没益处,干吗要立刻触发。退欧,曾经愚蠢了一次。当初还要第二次愚蠢吗?用用大脑先想一想 回帖 有人耽心夜长梦...英国华人论坛


Writ Petition need not be entertained by a Court in

In a recent Judgment of Delhi High Court in the case of Apna Logistics[1] Honble Justice Mr Vibhu Bakhru, held that even though Arbitration clause would not preclude the Court from exercising its Jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constit...英国华人论坛


Bankruptcy Lawyer vs. Petition Preparer: Know Who t

If you are trying to avoid the expense of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer by only paying for a petition preparer, you should know the type of help you are missing out on by taking this route. Petition preparers are much cheaper, but you will also...英国华人论坛


Bankruptcy Attorney or Petition Preparer: What Do Y

When someone decides they need to discharge their debt, they usually want to hire a professional to help them do it. If so, they quickly run into two options: hire a bankruptcy attorney or look into hiring a petition preparer. For someone wh...英国华人论坛


Is An Online Petition As Effective As a Wordpress B

With the advent of websites like change.org and avaaz, petitioning a government or local authority is just not the same anymore. But before these "petition platforms" actually came into being, a lot of campaigners and activists used blogs to...英国华人论坛


Petition for Invoking Article 50 of The Lisbon Trea

https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/133618 回帖 你是啥意图,这对我们都没好处,干嘛要立刻触发。退欧,已经愚昧了一次。现在还要第二次愚昧吗?用用大脑先想想 回帖 有人担心夜长梦多...英国华人论坛


Will issuing a winding up petition against a compan

Will getting a winding up petition against them get me my money back?Winding up petitions are increasingly being used as a method of debt collection. However once a petition is granted, those owed money may receive no return at all. Business...英国华人论坛


Consequences of a Winding Up Petition

I have a Winding Up Petition - What Does this Mean?A Winding Up Petition could have serious consequences for you and your business. It is therefore very important to understand what a Winding up Petition is and the implications of receiving...英国华人论坛


Winding Up Petition now being used to aid Debt Coll

The closest thing to bankruptcy for a limited company is compulsory liquidation or winding up Normally the process is initiated by one or more of a company's creditors who feel that the company should be closed and cease trading. The credito...英国华人论坛


Winding Up Petition - Actions to take

Winding Up Petition - Actions to takeHistorically, if any creditor of a business owed more than GBP750 was struggling to collect its debt, that creditor could decide to petition for the winding up of the company. The action was intended to p...英国华人论坛


Winding Up Petition may come from HMRC

Winding Up Petition may come from HMRCFigures in a recent National Audit Office Report show the amount owed to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the form of unpaid income, corporation and VAT has risen dramatically from £2.7bn in 2007-2008 t...英国华人论坛