美国国度航空暨太空总署(NASA)一架太空航行器将于26日撞击一颗小行星以微幅改动它的轨道周期,这项测试有助将来建构地球进攻遭星体撞击。 NASA一架太空航行器将于26日撞击一颗小...英国华人论坛
美国国度航空暨太空总署(NASA)一架太空航行器将于26日撞击一颗小行星以微幅改动它的轨道周期,这项测试有助将来建构地球进攻遭星体撞击。 NASA一架太空航行器将于26日撞击一颗小...英国华人论坛
太空总署人员21日练习填装燃料到登月火箭上时,又发现氢燃料外泄。(美联社) 美国太空总署(NASA)人员21日测试填装燃料到登月火箭上时,又发现氢燃料外泄,马上暂停将液态氢输出火箭...英国华人论坛
美国国度航空暨太空总署(NASA)太空人勒夫(Stan Love)表现,不以为外星人曾拜访地球,由于当外星人乘坐的太空船腾飞分开时,部份地球可能曾经被销毁。(示用意/shutterstock) 美...英国华人论坛
(8月29日),美国国度航空航天局(NASA)勾销了登月火箭的首飞工作,该火箭原方案搭载3名测试假人,但在发射的最初时辰泛起连锁过错,终究致使了无奈解释的引擎毛病。 宇航局预...英国华人论坛
哈勃太空望远镜(Hubble Space Telescope)的一项新钻研发现,宇宙中正在产生一些乏味的事件,它不只改动了以前的假定,还可能引出“全新的物理学”。 迷信家们始终在钻研来自哈勃望...英国华人论坛
美国宇航局向太空发送人类裸照,但愿能吸引外星人。 比来NSFS出了一项钻研,此名目是 河汉系中的灯塔(BITG)的一部份,旨在与可能存在的任何外星生命进行接触。 钻研讲演中写道...英国华人论坛
周三NASA的工程师证明,在火星上发现的貌似坠毁的飞碟实际上是火星探测器“毅力号”的部件残骸,其实不属于外星人。 NASA的工程师克拉克(Ian Clark)在谈到周三发布的残骸照片时指出...英国华人论坛
Mars Global SurveyorThe Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) was a US spacecraft developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and launched November 1996. It began the United States's return to Mars after a 10-year absence. It completed its primary mi...英国华人论坛
Apollo program The Apollo program was the United States spaceflight effort which landed the first humans on Earth's Moon.Conceived during the Eisenhower administration and conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA...英国华人论坛
Abstract: If you try to start a car that has been in the garage for decades, you expect the engine not to respond. But a set of propellers onboard the NASA Voyager 1 spacecraft was launched on Wednesday, November 29, 37 years after its last...英国华人论坛
Mostly the germs enter our body through our throat and nose. Mucus membrane is lined up with number of blood vessels. When the blood vessels expand there is a swelling in the mucus membrane which ultimately results into the nasal congestion....英国华人论坛
NASA called upon all the inventors and innovators they could in the early 70s, and many things never before dreamed of, became reality. What would help these courageous souls overcome the frontiers of space and boldly go where know one had...英国华人论坛
不管是画廊还是对 NASA 复古照片感兴趣的买家,似乎都在向人们展示着,太空旅行是一件既酷又浪漫的事。 美国宇航局档案库里的照片可能变成高价艺术品吗?伦敦画廊Breese Little最近...英国华人论坛
NASA was established more than 50 years ago and has been a world leader in studies of our home planet.In October 2005 NASA decided to share their series of the stunning 'Blue Marble' images. The satellite photos were divided into 12 calendar...英国华人论坛
NASA's high altitude WB-57 research program has been a vital component of space shuttle missions. It has provided valuable information for climate and high atmosphere research. Since the WB-57 aircraft was originally built in the 1950's and...英国华人论坛
@科技日报 12月16日消息,综合《自然》《科学》杂志15日最新报道,NASA“洞察号”探测器传来火星内部“情报”:火星的地壳可能由三层组成。这是科学家首次直接探测地球以外的行星...英国华人论坛